What’s New on MusicplayOnline (February Week 3)
Looking for what’s new on MusicplayOnline this week? Here is a brief list of the website developments, units, and more that we’ve launched this week.
- Instruments now have more information displayed on their list number
- Instruments are now ordered by the filter in the white box
Language Selector
- We are working hard to develop a French program and you can now see at the beginning of the tab what the language of instruction is.
- Please note: Language of instruction means that the teaching resources are in that language although the song itself may be in a different language.
Song List
- Haida: additional information added in About the Song projectable
- Music from Uganda: new unit
- Tempo: new resources added
- Dynamics: new resources added
- Repeats: new resources added
- Floor Staff Games: new resources added
- Bizet’s Dream: new unit released
Rhythm Practice
- Musicplay.ca: launched a new design of our landing page