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SongTone SetRhythmNotesCreator en 7. No Robbers Out Today Tone Set: m s Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 10. Turkey Lurkey Tone Set: d m s Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Denise Gagne en 12. Pass a Beanbag Tone Set: d m s Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Denise Gagne en 17. Seven Up Tone Set: drm Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Denise Gagne en 22. Closet Key Tone Set: drm Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 29. Long-Legged Sailor Tone Set: drm Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 41. King’s Land Tone Set: d m sl Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Musicplay en 47. In the Land of Oz Tone Set: prepare low ti Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 81. Find the Basket Tone Set: drm sl Rhythm: q qr Q h Notes: Orff Denise Gagne en 9. Jolly, Jolly Rhythm Tone Set: s,l, d Rhythm: - Notes: Orff Musicplay en 12. Black Snake Tone Set: drm sl Rhythm: eq e Notes: Orff Musicplay en 17. Miss Mary Mac Tone Set: s,l,t,d Rhythm: - Notes: Orff Musicplay en 26. Pass the Pumpkin Tone Set: drm sl Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Musicplay en 28. Cut the Cake Tone Set: fa Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: - Musicplay en 39. Sarasponda Tone Set: drmfsl d' Rhythm: - Notes: Orff Musicplay en 45. Toc Toc Toc Tone Set: l,t, drm Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 58. Let’s Catch a Rooster Tone Set: s, drfmsl Rhythm: qrt Notes: - Musicplay en 63. Categories Tone Set: m s Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 86. Happy Is the Miller Tone Set: s,l, drm Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Musicplay en 88. Built My Lady Tone Set: drm sl Rhythm: qtr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 93. My Hat Tone Set: drmfsl Rhythm: ´√ Notes: - Musicplay en 2. Concentration Tone Set: d m s Rhythm: q;.u Notes: Orff Musicplay en 6. Pass the Stick Tone Set: d m s Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 8. Ickle Ockle Tone Set: m sl Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 10. Four White Horses Tone Set: s,l,t,drm Rhythm: E Notes: Orff Musicplay en 13. Button You Must Wander Tone Set: drm sl Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 45. Old Maid Tone Set: s,l,t,drmfs Rhythm: ´√ h. Notes: - Musicplay en 51. Hot Potato Tone Set: t,drmfs Rhythm: q. e Notes: - Musicplay en 56. Cobbler, Cobbler Tone Set: drm s Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 60. Al citrón Tone Set: s, drm Rhythm: q;.u Notes: Orff Musicplay en 77. John Kanaka* Tone Set: drm s Rhythm: q. e Notes: Orff Musicplay en 92. Ball Go Round Tone Set: C Scale Rhythm: q. e Notes: - Musicplay en 95. Kangaroo Tone Set: drmfs Rhythm: q qr Notes: Bordun: D-A Musicplay That's all the content!