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Looking for Elementary Chase Game Songs?

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Here's a few to get you started:

SongTone SetRhythmNotesCreator en 104. Charlie Over the Ocean Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 6. Hill, Hill Tone Set: m s Rhythm: h Notes: Orff Musicplay en 13. Bell Horses Tone Set: m sl Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Musicplay en 17. I’m the Fastest Turkey Tone Set: - Rhythm: ¥≤ Notes: Orff Musicplay en 20. Icka Backa Tone Set: d m sl Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Musicplay en 20a. We Like Playing Games Together Tone Set: d m sl Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Musicplay en 25. Old Mother Witch Tone Set: m s Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Musicplay en 49. Mouse, Mousie Tone Set: d m s Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Musicplay en 57. I Sent a Valentine Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 64. Cut the Cake Tone Set: drmfsl d' Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: - Musicplay en 86. Frog in the Middle Tone Set: sl d' Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 97. Let Us Chase the Squirrel Tone Set: drm s Rhythm: - Notes: Orff Musicplay en 7. No Robbers Out Today Tone Set: m s Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en Recently Updated10. Turkey Lurkey Tone Set: d m s Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Denise Gagne en 41. King’s Land Tone Set: d m sl Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Musicplay en 93. Chicken in the Barnyard Tone Set: s,l, drm sl Rhythm: qttt Notes: Bordun: F-C Denise Gagne en 28. Cut the Cake Tone Set: fa Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: - Musicplay en 88. Built My Lady Tone Set: drm sl Rhythm: qtr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 8. Ickle Ockle Tone Set: m sl Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 28. Our Old Sow Tone Set: s, drm Rhythm: q. e Notes: Orff Musicplay en 112. Mi gallo Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 163. Naughty Kitty Cat Tone Set: - Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Bordun: D-A Musicplay en 100. John the Rabbit Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: Bordun: G-D Musicplay en 129. Old Gray Cat Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay fr 12. J’aime la dinde Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay fr 18. Le petit chat noir Tone Set: - Rhythm: ¥≤ Notes: Orff Musicplay fr 25. Où est mon médaillon? Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay fr 49. Allons danser dans la forêt Tone Set: m sl Rhythm: - Notes: Orff Musicplay fr 6. Fais vite Tone Set: m s Rhythm: h Notes: Orff Musicplay fr 9. Un petit bonhomme Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay fr 23. Une vieille bonne dame Tone Set: m s Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: - Musicplay fr 39. Souris petite souris Tone Set: d m s Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay fr 45. J’ai perdu le cadeau Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay fr 50. Un gâteau pour une fête Tone Set: d' Rhythm: q qr Q Ėģ Notes: - Musicplay fr 73. Grenouille au milieu Tone Set: sl d' Rhythm: - Notes: Orff Musicplay fr 8. Serpent noir Tone Set: drm sl Rhythm: eq e Notes: Orff Musicplay en Lucy Locket* Tone Set: m sl Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay That's all the content!