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en 49. Lesson 16 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 49. Mouse, Mousie Tone Set: d m s Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Musicplay en 50. Boom Boom Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 51. I Like to Play the Instruments Tone Set: - Rhythm: q qr Q h Notes: - Denise Gagne en 52. Lesson 17 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 52. Oliver Twist Tone Set: m sl Rhythm: ¥≤ Notes: Orff Musicplay en 53. Haul on the Bowlin’ Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 54a. Lesson 18 Poems and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 54. Pass the Stick Tone Set: d m s Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Denise Gagne en 55. Love Grows under the Wild Oak Tree Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 56. Gitsigakomim Tone Set: - Rhythm: h w Notes: Relationship Skills Musicplay en 57. I Sent a Valentine Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 57a. Lesson 20 Teaching Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 58. The More We Get Together Tone Set: - Rhythm: ´√ Notes: Self-Awareness & Relationship Skills Musicplay en 59. I See the Moon Tone Set: d m s Rhythm: h Notes: Orff Musicplay en 60. Circle ‘Round the Zero Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 60a. Lesson 21 Poems and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 61. Ham and Eggs Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 62. My Cat Boo Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Denise Gagne en 63. I’se the B’y Tone Set: - Rhythm: ¥≤ Notes: - Musicplay en 64. Cut the Cake Tone Set: drmfsl d' Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: - Musicplay en 65. A Sailor Went to Sea Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 65a. Lesson 23 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 66. It’s Raining, It’s Pouring Tone Set: m sl Rhythm: - Notes: Orff Musicplay en 67a. Lesson 24 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 67. Lollipop Tree Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 68a. Lesson 25 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 68. St Patrick’s Day Jig Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 69. A Pizza Hut Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 70. Ain’t Gonna Rain No More Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 71a. Lesson 26 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 71. Rain on the Green Grass Tone Set: drm sl Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Musicplay en 72. Father Abraham Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 72a. Lesson 27 Poems and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 73. Hot Cross Buns Tone Set: drm Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Musicplay en 74. Garbage Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Denise Gagne en 75. Find the Easter Basket Tone Set: m sl Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 75a. Lesson 28 Tips and Extras Tone Set: drm Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 76. I Can Do the Bunny Hop, Too! Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 77. Recycle Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Denise Gagne en 78a. Lesson 29 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 78. Rabbits Tone Set: drm s Rhythm: q h Notes: Orff Musicplay en 79. Hide the Easter Eggs Tone Set: - Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: - Musicplay en 80a. Lesson 30 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 81. Oh, my Aunt Came Back Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 82. Johnny One Hammer Tone Set: d m s Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Musicplay en 82a. Lesson 31 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 83. Mom, You’re the Best Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: Relationship Skills Denise Gagne en 84. Juguemos en el bosque Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 84a. Lesson 32 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 85. Japanese Frog Song Tone Set: - Rhythm: qqrQh Notes: - Musicplay en 86. Frog in the Middle Tone Set: sl d' Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 86a. Lesson 33 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 87. Row Row Row your Boat Tone Set: - Rhythm: ¥≤ Notes: - Musicplay en 88. Bought Me a Cat Tone Set: drm s Rhythm: q qr Q E e Notes: Orff Musicplay en 89a. Lesson 34 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 89. Sur le pont d’Avignon Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 90. Chinese Fan Tone Set: - Rhythm: ´√ Notes: - Musicplay en 91. Kagome Tone Set: - Rhythm: qqrh Notes: - Musicplay en 91a. Lesson 35 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 92. Canada in my Pocket Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 93. Swimming Tone Set: - Rhythm: ¥≤ Notes: - Musicplay en 94. Goin’ on a Picnic Tone Set: - Rhythm: ¥≤ Notes: - Musicplay en 94a. Lesson 36 Poems and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 94a. Lesson 36 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 95. Here Comes a Bluebird Tone Set: drm sl Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Musicplay en 96. Down Came Johnny Tone Set: drm s Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Musicplay en 96a. Lesson 37 Lesson Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 97. Let Us Chase the Squirrel Tone Set: drm s Rhythm: - Notes: Orff Musicplay en 98. Christopher McCracken Tone Set: - Rhythm: ¥≤ Notes: - Musicplay en Recently Updated1. I Like Singin’ Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Denise Gagne en 2. Number Concentration Tone Set: d m s Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Denise Gagne en 3. Nothing Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en Recently Updated4. I’m Glad I’m Back at School Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: Self-Awareness Denise Gagne en Recently Updated5. Missus Tong Tone Set: - Rhythm: q qr Notes: - Denise Gagne en 6. Plainsies Clapsies Tone Set: m sl Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 7a. Lesson 2 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 7. No Robbers Out Today Tone Set: m s Rhythm: q qr Notes: Orff Musicplay en 8. Whoopee Cushion Tone Set: drm s d' Rhythm: q qr Q h w h. Notes: Orff Musicplay en 9a. Lesson 3 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 9. Rocky Mountain Tone Set: drm sl Rhythm: q qr h Notes: Orff Musicplay en 10. Turkey Lurkey Tone Set: d m s Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Denise Gagne en 11a. Lesson 4 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 11. Shake the Papaya Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: Decision-Making Musicplay en 12. Pass a Beanbag Tone Set: d m s Rhythm: q qr Q Notes: Orff Denise Gagne en 13. Seasons Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: Self-Awareness Craig Cassils en Recently Updated14. I’m Thankful Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: Gratitude Denise Gagne en 14a. Lesson 5 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 15. Third Base Coaches’ Dance Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay en 16. Bells in the Steeple Tone Set: d m s Rhythm: ´√ h. Notes: Orff Musicplay en 17a. Lesson 6 Tips and Extras Tone Set: - Rhythm: - Notes: - Musicplay