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Looking to use Grade 2 Lesson 2 in your Grade 2 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Beat, Tempo, Melodic Direction (high-middle-low)

You'll also cover the themes of: Transportation

Grade 2 Lesson 2



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Sing the echoes in “Welcome to Music”
  2. Play the Circle Name Game
  3. Discuss How Tos and What Ifs
  4. Review the “Music Room Rules”
  5. Review beat
  6. Do Body Percussion with the beat
  7. Review “Engine, Engine Number Nine”
  8. Review the game with “Engine, Engine Number Nine”
  9. Play the game and sing “Engine, Engine Number Nine”
  10. Play a Beat Game with “Engine, Engine Number Nine”
  11. Echo sing
  12. Teach “Hill, Hill”
  13. Learn the game with “Hill, Hill”
  14. Play the game and sing “Hill, Hill”
  15. Learn about the half note
  16. Clap the rhythm for “Hill, Hill”
  17. Optional: Teach the Orff arrangement for “Hill, Hill”
  18. Option 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “Hill, Hill”
  19. Option 2: Complete the note name challenge for “Hill, Hill”
  20. Play rhythm racing
  21. Sing “The Music Time is Over”



  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can describe beat and move to the beat.
  • I can sing a song using different tempos.

Sing the echoes in “Welcome to Music”

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Song Used: Welcome to Music

Sing the echoes in "Welcome to Music".

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Play the Circle Name Game

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Discuss How Tos and What Ifs

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Review the “Music Room Rules”

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Review beat

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Unit Used: Beat and Rhythm

What do "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", Beethoven's ninth symphony and Taylor Swift's "Shake it Off" have it common?

They all have a beat!

Beat is the pulse in music.

Watch the video to learn about beat! Grab an unpitched instrument and follow along to the activities! The more you participate, the more you'll start to feel the beat! Good luck!

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Do Body Percussion with the Beat

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Practice Item Used: Prepare Rhythm

Do the Body Percussion with the music

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Review “Engine, Engine Number Nine”

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Song Used: Engine, Engine Number Nine

If your students are reading well, have them read the rhythms and/or the solfa notes.
If they are not reading yet, teach the song by rote and use this song to prepare them to read!

Review the game with “Engine, Engine Number Nine”

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Song Used: Engine, Engine Number Nine

This is a follow-the-leader game. The students form a line like cars in a train. The leader decides on an action and the rest of the students must copy that action. At the end of the song, the leader goes to the back of the line and the second in line becomes the leader. If you have a train whistle, blow it at the end of the song.

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Play the game and sing “Engine, Engine Number Nine”

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Song Used: Engine, Engine Number Nine

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Play a Beat Game with “Engine, Engine Number Nine”

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Song Used: Engine, Engine Number Nine

Play a beat game with #5 "Engine, Engine Number Nine".

Click on some beats to turn them "off".

Point to the beats and sing out loud when the beats are red.

Where you have "grey" beats, point to the beat but don't sing out loud; sing inside your head. Try turning off more beats!

Continue through the beat and rhythm activities to review beat and rhythms.

Echo sing

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Practice Item Used: mi so (m s)

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Teach “Hill, Hill”

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Song Used: Hill, Hill

If your students are reading well, have them read the rhythms and/or the solfa notes.

If they are not reading yet, teach the song by rote and use this song to prepare them to read!

Learn the game with “Hill, Hill”

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Song Used: Hill, Hill

Watch how the students play the game.
Try playing it!

Have the students form a long line. The leader faces the line. All sing the song. The students try to run to the opposite
side of the room or the field, while the leader tags players. If a player is tagged, they join the leader in facing the line and
tagging more players. You can play this game between two soccer goal posts.
They sing again, and all of the chasers try to tag the students who are running from one side of the field to the other. The game continues until all (or most) of the students are tagged. In small rooms, substitute a movement (such as hopping) for the students to get to the opposite side. If students are trying to be tagged, red flag them so they don’t get to join the leader. If too many students are caught each time, restrict
the leader to catching one or two students each round. The game continues until all players are tagged.

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Play the game and sing “Hill, Hill”

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Song Used: Hill, Hill

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Learn about the half note

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Clap the rhythm for “Hill, Hill”

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Optional: Teach the Orff arrangement for “Hill, Hill”

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Option 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “Hill, Hill”

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Option 2: Complete the note name challenge for “Hill, Hill”

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Play rhythm racing

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Sing “The Music Time is Over”

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Song Used: The Music Time is Over

Sing the echoes in "The Music Time Is Over".

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