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Looking to use Grade 2 Lesson 19 in your Grade 2 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Beat, Timbre of Voices, Melodic Direction (high-middle-low), Time Signature

You'll also cover the themes of: Animal Songs, Composers, Eras in Music, Baroque, 1600s

Grade 2 Lesson 19



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Sing the echoes in “Welcome to Music”
  2. Play the rhythm play along with “Allegro Assai”
  3. Watch a segment of “Bach’s Fight for Freedom”
  4. Discuss the movie
  5. Review “Pondering Penguins”
  6. Do the line dance for “Pondering Penguins”
  7. Echo d m s in C Major
  8. Teach “Pass the Stick”
  9. Play the “Pass the Stick” game
  10. Create a do-mi-so melody
  11. Teach “Oliver Twist”
  12. Create movement with “Oliver Twist”
  13. Is it stepping or skipping?
  14. Optional: Teach the Orff arrangement for “Oliver Twist”
  15. Sing “The Music Time Is Over”


Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can create movement.

Sing the echoes in “Welcome to Music”

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Song Used: Welcome to Music

Echo rhythms while you play the recording.

Flashcards to echo are found in Supporting Resources.

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Play the rhythm play along with “Allegro Assai”

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Listening Selection Used: Allegro assai from Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F Major

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Watch a segment of “Bach’s Fight for Freedom”

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Unit Used: Bach’s Fight for Freedom

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Review “Pondering Penguins”

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Song Used: Pondering Penguins

“Pondering Penguins” has many applications and can be used across a variety of grade levels. There are two versions - one with a simplified melody and one with a melody that uses jumps of a 4th and an octave. For younger students, the simplified melodic line removes the large interval jumps.

Do the line dance for “Pondering Penguins”

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Song Used: Pondering Penguins

Simplified movement for younger dancers:
- Beats 1-4 Sway, sway, sway, sway,
- Beats 5-7 Bend your knees , bend your knees, bend your knees
- Beat 8 Jump

Teacher note: We don't have a kids demo for "Pondering Penguins". If your students would like to see themselves on MusicplayOnline please review the submission requirements here:

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Echo d m s in C Major

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Practice Item Used: do mi so (d m s)

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Teach “Pass the Stick”

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Song Used: Pass the Stick

Sing the song for the students with the solfa hand signs or arm motions, showing how the melody goes up and down. Have the students sing the song with hand signs or arm motions. Teach and play the game.

Play the “Pass the Stick” game

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Song Used: Pass the Stick

Stand in a single circle. While you sing, pass a stick around the circle. One student is outside the circle holding a pair of cymbals. When the outside student crashes the cymbals, the person who is holding the stick is "out" and becomes the next cymbal crasher. If two people have hands on the stick, they are both out and share the cymbal crashing responsibility jointly. If someone drops the stick, they are also out.

Alternatively: As students go "out" have them go to the Orff instruments and play a C-G bordun with the song.

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Create a do-mi-so melody

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Tool Used: Melody Composition Tool

Use only the notes do-mi-so (C E G) to create your composition.

Sing your new melody!

Teach "Oliver Twist"

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Song Used: Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist provides opportunities for students to sing a song in 6/8 time and to create movement. Teach "Oliver Twist" by rote. Teach and play the game.

Create movement with “Oliver Twist”

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Song Used: Oliver Twist

"Oliver Twist” is a traditional ball bouncing game.

Denise Tip: I’ve adapted it for classroom use by having one student in the middle make up an action that students have to perform while touching knees, toes, clapping hands and turning around (i.e., Jump and sing the song). When you get to “touch your knees,” do it while jumping. This variation of the game was a huge hit with my students.

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Is it stepping or skipping?

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Song Used: Oliver Twist

Stepping or skipping? The purpose of stepping and skipping to songs is to feel the difference between songs that are in 6/8 time and songs that are in 2/4 or 4/4 time.

Play a 2/4 pattern on a drum and ask the students to move to the music - they should step to 2/4.

Play a 6/8 pattern on a drum and ask the students to move to the music - they should skip to 6/8.

Optional: Teach the Orff arrangement for "Oliver Twist"

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Song Used: Oliver Twist

Creative Ideas: Have the students choose four of their favorite kinds of movements and make this into a word chain. Play the rhythm of the word chain on pitched or non-pitched instruments as an introduction or B section. For example: twisting, twisting, reaching, jump

Sing “The Music Time Is Over”

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Song Used: The Music Time is Over

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