Grade 2 Back To School – Lesson 3
StartTempo, Beat, Melodic Direction (high-middle-low)Themes(s):
Animal Songs, Royalty
Extra Details:
Tone Set
Song Type
Learning Module Category
In this lesson you will
- Sing “Say Hello”
- Warmup with “Go Bananas”
- Move with plates or with hands to “Grand Old Flag”
- Discuss How tos and What ifs
- Review the “Music Room Rules”
- Teach “The Grand Old Duke of York”
- Teach the actions for “The Grand Old Duke of York”
- Do the actions and sing “The Grand Old Duke of York”
- Play Trivia Wheel – Fast/Slow
- Echo Bobo
- Teach “We Are Dancing in the Forest”
- Learn the game with “We are Dancing in the Forest”
- Play the game and sing “We Are Dancing in the Forest”
- Sort the rhythms for “We Are Dancing in the Forest”
- Option 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “We Are Dancing in the Forest”
- Option 2: Complete the note name challenge for “We Are Dancing in the Forest”
- Option 1: Play “We Are Dancing in the Forest” on Boomwhackers
- Option 2: Teach the Orff arrangement for “We Are Dancing in the Forest”
- Optional: Play Four Corners
- Sing “The Music Time is Over”
About the ‘Back to School’ Lessons
Different school districts have different start dates, ranging from the end of July to after Labor Day. The Musicplay song sequence is designed to begin in the first week of September. For teachers whose schools start earlier than September, there are five ‘Back to School’ lessons provided. If your school year begins in August, start with ‘Back to School’ lesson 1. Once September begins, regardless of your start date, use the ‘September Week 1’ lesson.
- I can sing and move to music.
- I can listen for sounds around us.
- I can sing do re mi so la and use it in a song.
Teaching Procedures
Sing “Say Hello”
Copy LinkWarmup with “Go Bananas”
Copy LinkMove with plates or with hands to "Grand Old Flag"
Copy LinkCopy the movements in the video.
Use your hands to copy the movements.
If time permits, or in another lesson, give the students plates to move with.
Discuss How tos and What ifs
Copy LinkReview the “Music Room Rules”
Copy LinkReview or teach the Music Room Rules
Have the students give examples of good choices, being responsible, good manners, etc.
Teach “The Grand Old Duke of York”
Copy LinkThis song can be used to introduce tempo terms. Teach the song by rote. Sing the song at the different tempos. Repeat with all the actions.
Teach the actions for “The Grand Old Duke of York”
Copy LinkDo the actions and sing “The Grand Old Duke of York”
Copy LinkPlay Trivia Wheel - Fast/Slow
Copy LinkEcho Bobo
Copy LinkTeach “We Are Dancing in the Forest”
Copy LinkThis is a singing game from Hungary. It is an excellent song for reading rhythms and melody and for teaching form. It will also provide an opportunity for students to create and play accompaniments, and dramatize a song. Teach the song either by having the students read it, or by rote, and play the game.
Learn the game with “We are Dancing in the Forest”
Copy LinkOne student pretends to be the wolf and hides. Form a circle with the others and circle around the room. At the end of the song the students ask, “Wolf, are you there?” The wolf makes up answers like, “I’m brushing my teeth,” or “I’m
combing my hair.” When the wolf says, “I’m coming to eat you!” he runs toward the students, trying to catch one, while they try to reach the safety of the “den.” The student who is caught then becomes a wolf too, and the game continues
until all the players have been captured.
Denise Tip: In my classroom we’ve adapted the game so that the wolf has a time limit (seven seconds) to eat (tag) as many students as he can. Each student that is tagged sits down so we can count how many students the wolf ate. Then we choose a new wolf. We keep score, and the wolf who tags the most students is the winner.
Play the game and sing “We Are Dancing in the Forest”
Copy LinkSort the rhythms for “We Are Dancing in the Forest”
Copy LinkOption 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “We Are Dancing in the Forest”
Copy LinkOption 2: Complete the note name challenge for “We Are Dancing in the Forest”
Copy LinkOption 1: Play “We Are Dancing in the Forest” on Boomwhackers
Copy LinkOption 2: Teach the Orff arrangment for “We Are Dancing in the Forest”
Copy LinkCreative Ideas: Create a B section for the song by having students suggest things that the wolf could be doing. Wolf is getting dressed. Wolf is driving in his car. Wolf is taking a short nap. Wolf is practicing piano. You could say the B section (speech) or transfer the rhythms to non-pitched instruments and say and play.
Optional: Play Four Corners
Copy LinkSing echoes in "The Music Time Is Over"
Copy LinkListen to the video and sing the echoes!