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Looking to use PreK Lesson 37 in your PreK classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Beat, Dynamics, Tempo, Melodic Direction (high-middle-low)

You'll also cover the themes of: Alphabet Songs, Animal Songs, Farm, Transportation, Birds

PreK Lesson 37



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Sing the echoes for “Time for Music”
  2. Say the “Hello Beat Chant”
  3. Do body percussion with music
  4. Teach “Walking in the Farmyard”
  5. Learn the game for “Walking in the Farmyard”
  6. Play the game and sing “Walking in the Farmyard”
  7. Read the “Yes You Can!” story
  8. Teach “Letter Y”
  9. Teach “Yes You Can!”
  10. Sing “Yes You Can!” and copy the movements
  11. Optional: Practice printing the letter Y
  12. Play along with “Six Little Ducks”
  13. Review “Goin’ On A Bear Hunt”
  14. Review the actions for “Goin’ on a Bear Hunt”
  15. Listen to “Take My Little Car for a Ride”
  16. Optional: Make a picture of your little car
  17. Optional: Review “Preschool Graduation”
  18. Sing “Skinnamarink”

Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can sing and move to music
  • I can play along with music

Sing the echoes for “Time for Music”

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Song Used: Time for Music

Create new ways to keep a beat and sing the new verses. Sing unaccompanied or accompany with a ukulele.

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Say the “Hello Beat Chant”

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Song Used: Hello Beat Chant

Use high/low, fast/slow, and loud/quiet voices.

Do body percussion with music

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Practice Item Used: Prepare Rhythm

Do the body percussion as shown in the video

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Teach “Walking in the Farmyard”

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Song Used: Walking in the Farmyard

This is a simple singing game to encourage solo singing.

Teach the song. With PreK teach the song either by immersion or by rote. Explain the game and demonstrate what will happen if you are holding the “farmer” at the end of the song.

Learn the game for “Walking in the Farmyard”

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Song Used: Walking in the Farmyard

Game Directions: To play the game, put your farm animal picture cards, or toy animals in the middle of the circle. Pass a picture of a farmer or a farmer toy around the circle as the class sings the song. At the end of the song, the child holding the farmer picture chooses an animal that he sees in the center and sings, “I see a ___ ___.” The class echoes. The child that sang should come to the front with his chosen animal. Pass the farmer again, and the next child to have the “farmer” at the end of the song chooses a second animal. Sing the second animal and then the first. Each child that chooses comes to the front of the class and sits in order to help remember all the animals that have been chosen. Sing all the animals each round, starting with the newest first.

Alternate way to play: Give each child a picture card. Sing the song, then several children can sing what they have, and all sing back, “You have a _____.” (We tried moving like animals and singing what animals the children were, but this was a spectacular failure. It was much too chaotic.)

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Play the game and sing “Walking in the Farmyard”

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Song Used: Walking in the Farmyard

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Read the “Yes You Can!” story

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Song Used: Y – Yes You Can

Read the students the Letter Y story (worksheet 1 in supporting resources).

Yuki and Yoshi loved to play video games. One day they got a new video game that was very strange. In this video game they had to yell, yack, yodel, do yoga, and yawn. Yuki and Yoshi were
good at yelling. They could yell very loudly. They liked to yack to each other when they played, so that was easy too. Yodelling was harder.

“You go first,” Yuki said. Yoshi tried to yodel but all that came out was a funny kind of yipping sound. Yuki tried next, but all that came out was a yapping sound. Yoshi thought that maybe they could look up how to yodel on Yahoo. That’s what they did. They typed “yodel” into Yahoo, and found a site that showed them how to yodel. They yodelled enough to pass that level.

Next, they did yoga. After doing yoga they were tired, so it was very easy for them to yawn. They passed all the levels on the strangest video game ever. They learned that they really could do anything if they tried hard enough - and yes, looking up yodelling on Yahoo helped too!

Teach “Letter Y”

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Song Used: Y – Yes You Can

Sing the song.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Teach “Yes You Can!”

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Song Used: Y – Yes You Can

Listen to part of the song, then echo.

Play the video again and sing along.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Sing “Yes You Can!” and copy the movements

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Song Used: Y – Yes You Can

Watch and sing along with the kids demo.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Optional: Practice printing the letter Y

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Song Used: Y – Yes You Can

If you have a printer have the students do the worksheets.

If not, invite the children to practice printing Y and draw two things that start with Y.

Play along with “Six Little Ducks”

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Song Used: Six Little Ducks – beat buddies

Give half the class shakers and half the class plastic castinets (or sticks).
When you sing the verses, the shakers play.
When you sing "quack quack quack" the castanets play.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Review "Goin' On A Bear Hunt"

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Song Used: Bear Hunt

Review "Goin' on a Bear Hunt" by playing a verse of the video and then play the video again and sing along.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Review the actions for "Goin' on a Bear Hunt"

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Song Used: Goin’ on a Bear Hunt

Watch the kids demo and do the actions to "Goin on a Bear Hunt."

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Listen to “Take My Little Car for a Ride”

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Song Used: Take My Little Car

Listen to a verse of "Take My Little Car".

Start the video again and sing along.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Optional: Make a picture of your little car

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Optional: Review “Preschool Graduation”

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Song Used: Preschool Graduation

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Sing “Skinnamarink”

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Song Used: Skinnamarink

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