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Looking to use Grade 3 Lesson 4 in your Grade 3 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: AB, Rondo, Melodic Direction (high-middle-low), Timbre of Unpitched Instruments, Tempo, Form, Beat

You'll also cover the themes of: Birds, Environment, Animal Songs

Grade 3 Lesson 4



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Play Poison Rhythm
  2. Play Match the Melody (Level 2)
  3. Place the pattern that you hear on the staff
  4. Teach “Shake the Papaya”
  5. Choose instruments to play along with “Shake the Papaya”
  6. Watch the Kids Sing and Play “Shake the Papaya”
  7. Sing and play along with “Shake the Papaya”
  8. Teach “Turkey Lurkey”
  9. Teach the game with “Turkey Lurkey”
  10. Sing and play the game with “Turkey Lurkey”
  11. Teach “Rocky Mountain”
  12. Learn the dance for “Rocky Mountain”
  13. Dance and sing “Rocky Mountain”
  14. Option 1: Play “Rocky Mountain” on Boomwhackers
  15. Option 2: Teach the Orff arrangement for “Rocky Mountain”
  16. Make Note Values with Pipe Cleaners or Go Outside and Draw Them with Sidewalk Chalk



  • I can sing, play and move to music.
  • I can read rhythms and solfa notes.
  • I can improvise with instruments.

Play Poison Rhythm

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Practice Item Used: 9 q qr Q h h. w

Play Poison Rhythm

Echo all the patterns except the poison pattern!

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Play Match the Melody (Level 2)

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Game Used: Match the Melody

Play Match the Melody - this is Level 2, game #6

Try other levels at the end of class if you like!

Place the pattern that you hear on the staff

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Tool Used: Staff Tool

Place the pattern that you hear on the staff

Options for teachers:
1. Laminate the staff and use white board markers to draw the pattern
2. Give the students bingo chips, pennies or counters to use as notes and place on the staff

Teach “Shake the Papaya”

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Song Used: Shake the Papaya

Create rhythm compositions, rondo. Teach the song by rote.

Choose instruments to play along with “Shake the Papaya”

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Song Used: Shake the Papaya

Choose instruments:

Watch the Kids Sing and Play “Shake the Papaya”

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Song Used: Shake the Papaya

Watch the kids sing and play "Shake the Papaya."

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Sing and play along with "Shake the Papaya"

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Song Used: Shake the Papaya

Improvise on instruments during the B, C and D sections. Can you sing along?
Improvising means that you make it up as you go along.

Decide which instruments to play in each section.
For example:
B - woods play C - metals play D - Drums and shakes/scrapes play

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Teach “Turkey Lurkey”

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Song Used: Turkey Lurkey

Teach the song by rote. If your students can, have them read the song.

Teach the game with “Turkey Lurkey”

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Song Used: Turkey Lurkey

Have the students make a circle. Choose one student to be the turkey. The turkey struts around the outside of the circle while the other students sing the song. At the end of the song, the turkey tags a student who chases and tries to tag the turkey before the turkey reaches the inside of the circle. Both the “turkey” and the “chaser” sit in the middle of the circle until all of the students have had a turn.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Sing and play the game with “Turkey Lurkey”

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Song Used: Turkey Lurkey

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Teach “Rocky Mountain”

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Song Used: Rocky Mountain

Have the students read the rhythms for this song. Students can read the rhythms from projectable slide. If they have learned do re mi so la in Grade 2, have them read the song using solfa notes, or have them echo-sing the solfa. If students have not been taught solfa, use the song to prepare do re mi so la and teach the melody by rote.

Learn the dance for “Rocky Mountain”

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Song Used: Rocky Mountain

Create a dance to go with the song that will illustrate the AB form of the song.

For example: Form a circle.
A Rocky mountain, rocky mountain, rocky mountain high.
Join hands and take 8 steps to the right
When you’re on that rocky mountain hang your head and cry.
8 steps left
B Do, do, do, do, do remember me.
take 8 small steps into center - raise hands
Do, do, do, do, do remember me.
8 small steps out - lower hands

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Dance and sing “Rocky Mountain”

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Song Used: Rocky Mountain

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Option 1: Play “Rocky Mountain” on Boomwhackers

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Instrument Song Used: Rocky Mountain

Option 2: Teach the Orff arrangement for “Rocky Mountain”

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Song Used: Rocky Mountain

Teach the Orff arrangement or have students create their own. This song uses only two chords - I and V. Have the students create an accompaniment for the song using barred instruments (C-G), Boomwhackers or tone bars.

Make Note Values with Pipe Cleaners or Go Outside and Draw Them with Sidewalk Chalk

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Unit Used: Note Values

Make note values with pipe cleaners or go outside and draw them with sidewalk chalk.

Create and play some rhythm patterns using these notes.

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