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Looking to use Grade 3 Back to School – Lesson 1 in your Grade 3 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Beat, Timbre of Unpitched Instruments, Timbre of Voices, Melodic Direction (high-middle-low)

You'll also cover the themes of: Building Character (SEL), Eras in Music, Classical

Grade 3 Back to School – Lesson 1



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Learn the game “Jump In! Jump Out!”
  2. Sing “Jump In! Jump Out!”
  3. Discuss How tos and What ifs
  4. Sing and move to “Skateboard Rider”
  5. Play along and review quarter notes, eighth notes and quarter rest!
  6. Teach “Swimming”
  7. Learn the actions for “Swimming”
  8. Do the actions and sing “Swimming”
  9. Teach “Wave of Kindness”
  10. Learn the choreography for “Wave of Kindness”
  11. Do the choreography and sing “Wave of Kindness”
  12. Teach “Hill, Hill”
  13. Teach the game for “Hill, Hill”
  14. Play the game and sing “Hill, Hill”
  15. Sort the rhythms for “Hill, Hill”
  16. Option 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “Hill, Hill”
  17. Option 2: Complete the note name challenge for “Hill, Hill”
  18. Play along with “Ballettmusik X: Pantomime” from Les petits riens
  19. Optional: Play the Classroom Instrument Bingo Game
  20. Optional: Complete the Music and Me Booklet
  21. Sing “The Music Time is Over”


About the ‘Back to School’ Lessons
Different school districts have different start dates, ranging from the end of July to after Labor Day. The Musicplay song sequence is designed to begin in the first week of September. For teachers whose schools start earlier than September, there are five ‘Back to School’ lessons provided. If your school year begins in August, start with ‘Back to School’ lesson 1. Once September begins, regardless of your start date, use the ‘September Week 1’ lesson.


  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can echo rhythms.
  • I can echo sing m s solfa patterns.

Learn the game "Jump In! Jump Out!"

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Unit Used: Back to School

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Sing "Jump In! Jump Out!

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Discuss How tos and What ifs

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Unit Used: Back to School

Talk to the students about how they should enter/leave, sit, and what happens in the event of fire drill or lockdown.

Sing and move to “Skateboard Rider”

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Song Used: Skateboard Rider

Listen to the "Skateboard Rider" song. Make up fun movements to go with the song.

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Play along and review quarter notes, eighth notes and quarter rest!

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Practice Item Used: 3 q qr Q

Decide how to play the rhythms that you'll see.
• clap the top line, pat the second line
• play on rhythm sticks - click the top line, drum the second line

If the tempo is too fast, slow down the video with the "gear" tool in the bottom right corner of the video.

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Teach “Swimming”

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Song Used: Swimming

Teach this song by rote. This is a “leave out” action song. Make up actions to suit the words. Each time you sing the song, leave out one set of words and substitute the action. This helps students to develop inner hearing.

Learn the actions for “Swimming”

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Song Used: Swimming

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Do the actions and sing “Swimming”

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Song Used: Swimming

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Teach “Wave of Kindness”

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Song Used: Wave of Kindness

Listen to the whole song.
After listening, invite students to tell you what they think the song means. (If discussion is taking too long, have the students think-pair-share for 30 seconds with their neighbor)

Play a phrase, pause and have students echo. Continue until they have learned the song. Then try singing along.

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Learn the choreography for “Wave of Kindness”

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Song Used: Wave of Kindness

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Do the choreography and sing “Wave of Kindness”

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Song Used: Wave of Kindness

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Teach “Hill, Hill”

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Song Used: Hill, Hill

Depending on the reading abilities of your students, teach the song by rote or have the students read the solfa and the rhythms. The song also uses a half note and can be used to introduce/review the half note.

Teach the game for “Hill, Hill”

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Song Used: Hill, Hill

Have the students form a long line. The leader faces the line. All sing the song. The students try to run to the opposite side of the room or the field, while the leader tags players. If a player is tagged, they join the leader in facing the line and tagging more players. You can play this game between two soccer goalposts.

They sing again, and all of the chasers try to tag the students who are running from one side of the field to the other. The game continues until all (or most) of the students are tagged.

In small rooms, substitute a movement (such as hopping) for the students to get to the opposite side. If students are trying to be tagged, red flag them so they don’t get to join the leader. If too many students are caught each time, restrict the leader to catching one or two students each round. The game continues until all players are tagged.

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Play the game and sing “Hill, Hill”

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Song Used: Hill, Hill

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Sort the rhythms for “Hill, Hill”

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Option 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “Hill, Hill”

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Option 2: Complete the note name challenge for “Hill, Hill”

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Play along with “Ballettmusik X: Pantomime” from Les petits riens

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Listening Selection Used: Ballettmusik X: Pantomime from Les petits riens

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Optional: Play the Classroom Instrument Bingo Game

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Optional: Complete the Music and Me Booklet

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Unit Used: Back to School

Print and complete the Music and Me booklet to show your teacher or someone in your family.

Sing “The Music Time is Over”

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Song Used: The Music Time is Over

Watch the video and sing along!

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