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Looking to use Grade 1 Back To School – Lesson 2 in your Grade 1 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Tempo, Beat

You'll also cover the themes of: Eras in Music, Building Character (SEL), Friendship, Animal Songs, Baroque

Grade 1 Back To School – Lesson 2



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Sing the “Hello Song”
  2. Do body percussion
  3. Review “Welcome, Welcome”
  4. Optional: Read the story “All Are Welcome Here”
  5. Discuss How Tos and What ifs
  6. Say “Make Me a Circle”
  7. Play the “Hello Circle Name Game”
  8. Teach the “Music Room Rules”
  9. Review “Naughty Kitty Cat”
  10. Review the game “Naughty Kitty Cat”
  11. Play the game and sing “Naughty Kitty Cat”
  12. Teach “What Shall We Do?”
  13. Optional: Illustrate a mini-book of the song lyrics
  14. Teach “New Friends”
  15. Sing “New Friends”
  16. Optional: Play the Trivia Wheel game “Fast or Slow”
  17. Optional: Complete the All About Me Worksheet
  18. Sing “The Music Time is Over”


About the ‘Back to School’ Lessons
Different school districts have different start dates, ranging from the end of July to after Labor Day. The Musicplay song sequence is designed to begin in the first week of September. For teachers whose schools start earlier than September, there are five ‘Back to School’ lessons provided. If your school year begins in August, start with ‘Back to School’ lesson 1. Once September begins, regardless of your start date, use the ‘September Week 1’ lesson.


  • I can sing an echo.
  • I can sing and keep a beat.
  • I can clap and say rhythms.

Sing the “Hello Song”

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Song Used: Hello Song

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Do body percussion

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Song Used: Tambourin, J.C. Bach

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Review “Welcome, Welcome”

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Song Used: Welcome, Welcome

Listen to the song.
Play the video again and sing along!

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Optional: Read the story “All Are Welcome Here”

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Unit Used: Storybooks

Pause the video and sing the welcome song each time you here the words, "All are welcome here." If you have the storybook, accompany the refrain on C-G or D-A on Orff instruments. Then, you can use this as a way to review how to hold mallets and play the instruments.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Discuss How Tos and What ifs

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Unit Used: Back to School

Review quickly if you did this in Back to School Lesson 1.
Talk about procedures if this is your first week.

Say “Make Me a Circle”

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Unit Used: Back to School

Make Me a Circle chant is a way to have students make a circle quickly. Chant the poem starting quietly and getting louder, then count how many beats it takes to make a circle. You might have to count higher than 10 the first time!

Each time you make a circle, use the chant and see how quickly your students can make a circle!

Play the “Hello Circle Name Game”

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Unit Used: Back to School

Learn the names of the students in your class with this simple name game!
Continue to use this activity until you know your students names - and they know each other's names. Try the variations!

Teach the “Music Room Rules”

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Unit Used: Back to School

Have the students give examples of good choices, being responsible, good manners, etc.

Review “Naughty Kitty Cat”

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Song Used: Naughty Kitty Cat

Teach the song by rote, showing with arm motions how the notes go higher and lower. Play the game.

Review the game “Naughty Kitty Cat”

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Song Used: Naughty Kitty Cat

The students stand in a circle with a “cat” on the inside and a “farmer” on the outside. At the word “scat,” everyone claps and the cat goes outside the circle to be chased by the farmer. The class claps and counts to ten, the time limit for the chase. Choose a new cat and farmer and continue the game.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Play the game and sing “Naughty Kitty Cat”

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Song Used: Naughty Kitty Cat

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Teach “What Shall We Do?”

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Song Used: What Shall We Do?

Listen to the song on the recording. Stop after each verse and ask the children to tell you what the children in the song were doing outside. Write the key words on word strips and place in the pocket chart. Then sing the song, pointing to the words as you sing.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Optional: Illustrate a mini-book of the song lyrics

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Teach “New Friends”

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Song Used: New Friends (2023)

Teach the song "New Friends"
1. Read the words and have the students echo
2. Sing a phrase and have students echo
Play a phrase and have students echo

Sing “New Friends”

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Song Used: New Friends (2023)

Sing along with the video.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Optional: Play the Trivia Wheel game “Fast or Slow”

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Optional: Complete the All About Me Worksheet

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Unit Used: Back to School

Optional: Complete and colour the All About Me worksheet.
Save paper and ink and draw your own pictures on plain paper and write all about you!

Share your "All About Me" sheet with your teacher or someone in your family!

Sing “The Music Time is Over”

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Song Used: The Music Time is Over

Watch the video and sing along!

Video not working? Try a different video source.
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