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Looking to use Grade 5 Lesson 3 in your Grade 5 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Dynamics, Tempo, String Family, Timbre of Orchestral Instruments

Grade 5 Lesson 3

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Lesson Activities
1. Warmup with  “Boom Chicka Boom” and create body percussion
2. Play “Rhythm Racing” game (note values)
3. Play Coconut Chaos (letter names)
4/5 Teach “Ickle Ockle” and play the game
6. Name the notes in “Ickle Ockle”
7. Teach the ostinato or Orff arrangement for “Ickle Ockle”
8/9 Read the lyrics and teach “When I Believe”
10. Optional: Listen to the performance of “When I Believe”
11. Sing “When I Believe”
12. Learn about the “String Family”
13. Play along with “Autumn” by Vivaldi
14. Learn about the composer Antonio Vivaldi

• Units – Theory – continue staff lesson
• Play more levels of “Rhythm Racing” or Coconut Chaos


  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can read notes and rhythms.
  • I can reflect on a performance.
  • I can name the instruments of the string family.

Warmup with "Boom Chicka Boom"

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Song Used: Boom Chicka Boom

Warmup with "Boom Chicka Boom"

While you are echoing, can you make up 8 beats of body percussion to go with it?

For example: pat, pat, clap, clap, snap left 2x, snap right 2x

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Play the game 'Rhythm Racing"

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Play the game 'Rhythm Racing"

Play the game 'Rhythm Racing"
Choose your level

Play Coconut Chaos

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Song Used: Ickle Ockle

Play Coconut Chaos

Follow the link. Then practice note names with the Coconut Chaos game.

If your teacher wants to see that you've completed it, do a screen shot.

Teach "Ickle Ockle"

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Song Used: Ickle Ockle

Teach "Ickle Ockle"

Teach as a reading song or by rote

Play "Ickle Ockle" Singing Game

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Song Used: Ickle Ockle

Play "Ickle Ockle" Singing Game

Watch the kids demo and play the game

Students form a circle with hands joined and raised - they are the "net." Choose one student to be the fisher and one student to be the fish. The fisher goes into the middle of the circle and the fish goes outside of the circle. Sing the song. At the end of the song, the students raise their hands. The fisher leaves the net (the circle) and tries to tag the fish before the fish can get into the net (the circle). Read about rests below. Then, read the notes and rhythms for the song.

Denise Tip: To make this game work, I choose the student to my immediate right to be the fisher, and the student to the
right of them to be the fish. After they have had their turns, they rejoin the circle on my left side.

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Name the Notes in "Ickle Ockle"

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Name the Notes in "Ickle Ockle"

Optional: Teach the ostinatos or the Orff arrangement for "Ickle Ockle"

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Song Used: Ickle Ockle

Optional: Teach the ostinatos or the Orff arrangement for "Ickle Ockle"

Optional Challenge Activity - Teach the Orff arrangement for Ickle Ockle

Many schools have xylophones, metallophones that can accompany some songs.
If you have these instruments, you can teach the Orff arrangement.
If you don't have Orff instruments, you can teach the different ostinato patterns using body percussion and challenge your students to perform several an ostinato while singing). This is an easy arrangement so is a good arrangement to review how to hold the mallets, how to care for the instruments, and to play in an ensemble.

Students should be able to play this melody on recorder or on barred instruments.

Read the lyrics of the song, "When I Believe in Me"

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Song Used: When I Believe

Read the lyrics of the song, "When I Believe in Me"

Read the lyrics of the song, "When I Believe in Me"

What do you think the song is about?

Teach "When I Believe"

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Song Used: When I Believe

Teach "When I Believe"

Teach by rote

Optional: Listen to the performance of "When I Believe"

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Song Used: When I Believe

Optional: Listen to the performance of "When I Believe"

This is a performance by an elementary school in Australia.

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Sing "When I Believe"

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Song Used: When I Believe

Sing "When I Believe"

Sing part one of "When I Believe"
If time permits, teach both parts of the song.

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Learn about the String Family

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Learn about the String Family

Learn about the string family.

Which is your favorite instrument?

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Play along with "Autumn" by Vivaldi

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Play along with "Autumn" by Vivaldi

Choose an instrument from your classroom to play along with the music.
This selection has loud (forte) parts and quiet (piano) parts.
You might choose one instrument (sticks) for the forte parts and a different instrument for the piano parts.

If there are no instruments available, choose two kids of body percussion - maybe pat your legs for the loud and snap for the quiet.

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Learn about the composer Antonio Vivaldi

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Learn about the composer Antonio Vivaldi

Learn about the composer Antonio Vivaldi

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