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Looking to use Grade 5 Extra February Lesson in your Grade 5 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Melodic Direction (high-middle-low)

You'll also cover the themes of: Composers, Transportation, 1900s

Grade 5 Extra February Lesson

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In this lesson, you will:

  1. Review the cup game for “Favorite Rag”
  2. Do the cup game for “Favorite Rag”
  3. Review “I’ve a Car”
  4. Option 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “I’ve a Car”
  5. Option 2: Complete the note name challenge for “I’ve a Car”
  6. Optional: Play “I’ve a Car” on Boomwhackers
  7. Optional: Play “I’ve a Car” on Ukuleles or Guitars
  8. Optional: Teach the Orff arrangement for “I’ve a Car”
  9. Review “Chumbara”
  10. Learn the body percussion pattern for “Chumbara”
  11. Sing “Chumbara” with a new word
  12. Option 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “Chumbara”
  13. Option 2: Complete the note name challenge for “Chumbara”
  14. Option 1: Play “Chumbara” on Boomwhackers
  15. Option 2: Teach the Orff arrangement for “Chumbara”
  16. Play space adventure



  • I can sing a scale.
  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can create sound effects.
  • I can read the melody and rhythm of a song.
  • I can perform a song on an instrument.

Review the cup game for “Favorite Rag”

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Listening Selection Used: “The Favorite”

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Do the cup game for “Favorite Rag”

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Listening Selection Used: “The Favorite”

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Review “I’ve a Car”

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Song Used: I’ve a Car

This is a great action and reading song for kids. Have the students read the rhythms and note names for the song, learning the melody by reading it.

Sing the song five times. The first time, sing all the underlined words. The second time, leave out the words "bing bang" and just do the action. The third time, leave out "crash crash." The fourth time, leave out "rattle rattle." The fifth time, leave out "honk honk." If you teach solfa, read the note names in solfa. Teach the rhythm words for this song using the system you prefer.

Teacher note: We don't have a kids demo for "I've a Car". If your students would like to see themselves on MusicplayOnline please review the submission requirements here:

Option 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “I’ve a Car”

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Option 2: Complete the note name challenge for “I’ve a Car”

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Optional: Play “I’ve a Car” on Boomwhackers

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Instrument Song Used: I’ve A Car

Optional: Play “I’ve a Car” on Ukuleles or Guitars

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Optional: Teach the Orff arrangement for “I’ve a Car”

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Review “Chumbara”

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Song Used: Chumbara

This is an excellent activity for practice in keeping a steady beat and reading the notes of the major scale.

Learn the body percussion pattern for “Chumbara”

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Song Used: Chumbara

The students form a seated circle, sitting with their legs crossed. Each time you sing the song, you do a different body percussion pattern with it.

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Sing “Chumbara” with a new word

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Song Used: Chumbara

Artie Almeida does a really fun activity with this song. She makes three bags of one syllable sounds. Choose a syllable from each bag and make up a new word. Sing the song using the new word instead of “chumbara.”

Bag One: zap, fly, bug, gun, pop, sat, yip
Bag Two: letters A E O U
Bag Three: boo, moo, may, day, dee, flee, goo, zoo

Option 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “Chumbara”

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Option 2: Complete the note name challenge for “Chumbara”

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Option 1: Play “Chumbara” on Boomwhackers

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Instrument Song Used: Chumbara

Option 2: Teach the Orff arrangement for “Chumbara”

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Song Used: Chumbara

Playing and Creating: Teach the melody of this song to the students and have them play it as an instrumental selection.

Play space adventure

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