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Looking to use Middle School Lesson 22: History of Jazz Lesson 10 in your Middle School classroom?

You'll also cover the themes of: North America, Eras in Music

Middle School Lesson 22: History of Jazz Lesson 10



In this lesson you will

  • learn or review time signatures, including 5/4
  • “Five Four Groove” – learn song
  • History of Jazz
    • Lesson 10 – Dizzy Gillespie
    • Lesson 11 – Charlie Parker


  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can describe the music of Dizzie Gliespie and Charlie Parker.
  • I can improvise to music.

Learn about Time Signatures 1

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Read through the following slides to learn about or review time signatures.

Learn about Time Signatures 2

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Learn about Time Signatures 3

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Learn about Time Signatures 4

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Learn about Time Signatures 5

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Learn about Time Signatures 6

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Learn about Time Signatures 7

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Learn about Time Signatures 8

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Learn about Time Signatures 9

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Perform rhythms in 5/4 meter - Level 16

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Choose level 16 in the Tempo Tool.

Decide how to perform the rhythms: clap, pat, snap or stomp.

Try the rhythm at different tempos.

To review what the tempo terms mean, select "Teaching Slides" in the Tempo Tool.

Listen to students perform "Five Four Groove"

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Song Used: Five Four Groove

Listen to some of this song.

Have students try to pat the beat.
1-2-3-4-5, 1-2-3-4-5
Can students identify that there are 5 beats in every measure?

Jump to the end of the performance and ask students if they can hear the two parts.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Learn to sing the chorus of "FIve Four Groove"

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Song Used: Five Four Groove

Learn to sing the chorus of "Five Four Groove".

Echo the syllables in the improv section.

As students gain confidence with the song, it will be fun to have students create their own syllables.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Learn about Dizzie Gillespie

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Watch the video to learn about Dizzie Gillespie.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Discuss the questions and/or complete the worksheet

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The lesson questions are for discussion or for students to answer after the Dizzie Gillespie video.

The listening questions are to be discussed or answered after the listening example.

YouTube link to "Salt Peanuts"

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This is a YouTube link to "Salt Peanuts".

If the link doesn't work, search internet for "Salt Peanuts".

Discuss the listening assessment questions with students or have students complete the worksheet.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Learn about Charlie Parker

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Watch the video to learn about Charlie Parker.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Discuss the questions and/or complete the worksheet

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The lesson questions are for discussion or students to answer after the Charlie Parker video.

The listening questions are to be discussed or answered after the listening example.

YouTube link to "Celebrity"

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This is a YouTube link to "Celebrity".

If the link doesn't work, search internet for "Celebrity".

Discuss the listening assessment questions with students or have students complete the worksheet.

Video not working? Try a different video source.
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