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Looking to use Kindergarten Lesson 4 in your Kindergarten classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Dynamics, Beat

You'll also cover the themes of: Building Character (SEL), Color Songs, Food Songs

Kindergarten Lesson 4



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Echo sing “Welcome to School”
  2. Review the “Music Room Rules”
  3. Review “Cookie Jar Chant”
  4. Move to the Beat
  5. Echo the poem “Loud Voice – Quiet Voice”
  6. Sing the echoes for “I am a Pizza”
  7. Listen and do the actions for “Dr. Knickerbocker”
  8. Sing and move to “Color Song”
  9. Review “A Smile Goes a Long, Long Way”
  10. Review “Andy Pandy”
  11. Review the movements for “Andy Pandy”
  12. Do the movements and sing “Andy Pandy”
  13. Show how the notes go higher and lower in “Andy Pandy”
  14. Echo Bobo
  15. Listen to the “Gingerbread Man” Story
  16. Do the interactive activity “Prepare Solfa” for “Gingerbread Man”
  17. Play “Which Pattern” for “Gingerbread Man”
  18. Teach “Walk to School”
  19. Move and sing the song “Walk to School”
  20. Sing “Skinnamarink”



  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can echo melody patterns.
  • I can show which are high and low notes.

Echo sing “Welcome to School”

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Song Used: Welcome to School

Sing the echoes in the song.

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Review the “Music Room Rules”

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Review “Cookie Jar Chant”

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Move to the Beat

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Practice Item Used: Prepare Rhythm

Move to the beat.

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Echo the poem “Loud Voice – Quiet Voice”

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Song Used: Loud Voice – Quiet Voice

Echo the poem "Loud Voice - Quiet Voice".

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Sing the echoes for “I am a Pizza”

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Song Used: I Am a Pizza

Sing the echoes in the song "I am a Pizza"

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Listen and do the actions for “Dr. Knickerbocker”

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Song Used: Dr. Knickerbocker

Listen and do the actions for "Dr. Knickerbocker".

When the song repeats, sing along!

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Sing and move to "Color Song"

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Song Used: Color Song

Sing and move to "Color Song" and stand up when there is a color that you're wearing.

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Review “A Smile Goes a Long, Long Way”

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Song Used: A Smile Goes a Long, Long Way

Review "A Smile Goes a Long, Long Way".

Can you think of some movements to do with the song?

Try singing along.

When someone smiles at you, how does it make you feel?

How do you think others feel when you smile at them?

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Review “Andy Pandy”

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Song Used: Andy Pandy

This song also provides opportunities for the students to explore different ways of moving, but in this case, following specific directions: down, up, in and out. If you’re doing this in the gym, give each student a hula hoop and have them perform the movements in (and out of) the hoop. You might play this as a game where the students change hoops each time they sing. In the music room, you could use big dots on the floor and have students change dots. This song is also included as reinforcement of the Week 1 lesson - following directions.

Review the movements for “Andy Pandy”

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Song Used: Andy Pandy

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Do the movements and sing “Andy Pandy”

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Song Used: Andy Pandy

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Show how the notes go higher and lower in “Andy Pandy”

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Song Used: Andy Pandy

Use this song to show how the notes go high, middle, and low. Sing the song and show how the notes go with arm motions or use the body scale. If some students are unclear, have the students join hands and do this with hands joined.

Echo Bobo

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Song Used: Gingerbread Man

If needed, slow the video down using the gear at the bottom right side of the video.

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Listen to the “Gingerbread Man” Story

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Song Used: Gingerbread Man

Read the "Gingerbreadman Story." Whenever the gingerbread man says “Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man,” sing it instead of saying it. You could dramatize the story with students wearing masks, or you could show the characters on a story board.

Teachers with Orff instruments could accompany the singing with a simple bordun on the beat. Create a dance to go with the song. Use the dance in the performance of the story

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Do the interactive activity “Prepare Solfa” for “Gingerbread Man”

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Song Used: Gingerbread Man

Do the interactive activities for "Gingerbread Man".

Play “Which Pattern” for “Gingerbread Man”

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Teach "Walk to School"

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Song Used: Walk to School

Sing and move to "Walk to School".

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Move and sing the song "Walk to School"

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Song Used: Walk to School

Move and sing the song "Walk to School".

Create your own movements for "Walk to School".

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Sing “Skinnamarink”

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Song Used: Skinnamarink

Sing our closing song, "Skinnamarink".

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