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Looking to use Middle School Lesson 24A – song-based lesson in your Middle School classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Beat, Timbre of Voices, Time Signature

You'll also cover the themes of: Composers, Our Musical World, Europe, 1900s

Middle School Lesson 24A – song-based lesson



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Echo rhythms (6/8)
  2. Teach “Black Socks”
  3. Review what 6/8 means
  4. Optional: Complete the worksheet for 6/8 time
  5. Teach the basketball routine for “All Shook Up”
  6. Watch a class do the “All Shook Up” routine
  7. Optional: Teach “All Shook Up” by Elvis Presley
  8. Optional: Watch Michael Bublé’s cover of “All Shook Up”
  9. Learn about the dance “t-Smidje”
  10. Teach the dance “t’Smidje”
  11. Dance the “t-Smidje”
  12. Optional: Teach the Orff arrangement “Good Luck!”



  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can sing a song in 6/8.
  • I can create an accompaniment for a song.

Echo 6/8 rhythms

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Practice Item Used: 22 ¥≤¥≤ qrr q. q e h.

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Teach “Black Socks”

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Song Used: Black Socks

Teach the round by rote. Try it first as a two-part round. If successful try it in
three parts and then in four. Use this round as an opportunity to teach or review 6/8 time.

Review what 6/8 means

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Song Used: Black Socks

When explaining 6/8 time signatures to students you need to review what the top and bottom numbers of a time signature refer to. The top number refers to the number of beats per measure and the bottom number refers to the value of the beats. For example in 4/4 a quarter note (4) gets one beat and there are 4 beats (4) in one measure; in 6/8 an eighth note (8) gets one beat and there are six beats (6) in one measure.

Optional: Complete the worksheet for 6/8 time

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Teach the basketball routine for “All Shook Up”

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Watch a class do the “All Shook Up” routine

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Unit Used: Basketball Performance Ideas

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Optional: Teach “All Shook Up” by Elvis Presley

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Unit Used: Basketball Performance Ideas

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Optional: Watch Michael Bublé’s cover of “All Shook Up”

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Unit Used: Basketball Performance Ideas

Compare between the Elvis Presley original version and the Michael Bublé cover.

Ask some questions to promote active listening:
- Where are they singing?
- What instruments are playing?
- How is the vocal timbre different between Elvis Presley and Michael Bublé?
- What did Michael Bublé change in his cover of "All Shook Up"?

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Learn about the dance “t-Smidje”

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Unit Used: Grades 5 and Middle School Dances

Slide 2 has some fun facts about the Netherlands.

Teach the dance “t’Smidje”

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Unit Used: Grades 5 and Middle School Dances

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Dance the "t-Smidje"

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Optional: Teach the Orff arrangement “Good Luck!”

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Instrument Song Used: Good Luck!

To access the teaching notes for this Orff piece please click on the link above.

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