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Looking to use Middle School Lesson 31 in your Middle School classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Timbre of Unpitched Instruments

You'll also cover the themes of: Eras in Music

Middle School Lesson 31

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In this lesson, you will:

  1. View the presentation “What’s That Sound?”
  2. Do a short Question-and-Answer page
  3. Complete the activity “Rate the Riffs”
  4. Watch “10 Riffs that Shook the World”



  • I can listen to and respond to music.
  • I can describe how electronic music has changed music.
  • I can select the music I prefer and explain why.

View the presentation "What's That Sound?"

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View the presentation "What's That Sound?"

Read and listen to the Google Arts presentation.

Pause and listen to 10 songs that use synthesizers.

Do a short question-and-answer page .

Do a short Question-and-Answer page

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Do a short Question-and-Answer page

Answer the questions, either on the worksheet, or write your answers on a piece of lined paper.

Rate the Riffs

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Rate the Riffs

Rate the Riffs - this worksheet goes with the Riffs activity.
It could be completed by the students individually, or it could be completed by the class as a whole.

10 Riffs that Shook the World

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10 Riffs that Shook the World

In this video, the video maker, Espen Kraft, says "whipped me into shape as a keyboard player, and composer in the mid 80s, all in a different way."

Which of these riffs did you see in the 1st presentation?

Rate the riffs! A worksheet is given in supporting resources so students can rate the riffs.

This is a YouTube link.
If the link doesn't work, search internet for "10 Riffs that Shook the World".

The Final Countdown
Take on Me
Axel F
Save a Prayer
New Song
Light my Fire
Deep Red
Toccata and Fugue in Dm

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