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Looking to use Grade 2 Lesson 22 in your Grade 2 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Form, Tempo, Time Signature, ABAC

You'll also cover the themes of: Composers, Space, Friendship, 1800s

Grade 2 Lesson 22

Form, Tempo, Time Signature, ABAC
Composers, Space, Friendship, 1800s
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In this lesson, you will:

  1. Clap the Rhythms With “Welcome to Music”
  2. Play rhythm racer (3/4)
  3. Play along with rhythms in “The More We Get Together”
  4. Review “The More We Get Together”
  5. Review strong and weak beats in 3/4 time
  6. Learn about the composer “Scott Joplin”
  7. Learn the cup game for “Fig Leaf Rag”
  8. Teach “Ham and Eggs”
  9. Do the movements while singing “Ham and Eggs”
  10. Learn about the form ABAC
  11. Discuss the tempos used in “Ham and Eggs”
  12. Optional: Complete a Worksheet to Sort Tempo from Slow to Fast
  13. Mirror the Movement to “Rondeau”
  14. Teach “Circle ‘Round the Zero”
  15. Play the “Circle ‘Round the Zero” game
  16. Review “I See the Moon”
  17. Optional: Teach the Orff arrangement for “I See the Moon”
  18. Sing “The Music Time Is Over”


Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can use and define tempo.
  • I can respond to music.

Clap the Rhythms With “Welcome to Music”

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Song Used: Welcome to Music

Clap the rhythms with "Welcome to Music".

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Play rhythm racer

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Play along with rhythms in “The More We Get Together”

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Song Used: The More We Get Together

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Review “The More We Get Together”

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Song Used: The More We Get Together

This song is in 3/4 time. Have the students create an ostinato with movement to perform with the song, e.g., pat - snap - snap. Sing "The More We Get Together" as a warm-up. Use the names of students in your class in the song.

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Review strong and weak beats in 3/4 time

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Learn about the composer “Scott Joplin”

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Listening Selection Used: Fig Leaf Rag

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Learn the cup game for “Fig Leaf Rag”

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Listening Selection Used: Fig Leaf Rag

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Teach “Ham and Eggs”

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Song Used: Ham and Eggs

Review tempo terms with the students. Teach the song by rote. Discuss the different tempos that you hear in the song. Decide what tempo term would be used to describe them.

Do the movements while singing “Ham and Eggs”

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Song Used: Ham and Eggs

Divide the class into two groups. One groups sings all of the “ham” words and the other group sings all of the “egg” parts. Then have each group stand to sing their part and sit when they are done. This is a choral warm-up or shake-up. Use this song anytime your students need a wiggle, or at the beginning of a choir practice to stretch them out.

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Learn about the form ABAC

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Song Used: Ham and Eggs

Read the slide with students.

Discuss what the form of the piece might be.

Discuss the tempos used in “Ham and Eggs”

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Song Used: Ham and Eggs

Discuss the tempos used in the song.

Review the tempo terms that have been introduced in Grade 2.

Optional: Complete a Worksheet to Sort Tempo from Slow to Fast

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Song Used: Ham and Eggs

Optional: Complete a worksheet to sort tempo from slow to fast.

Mirror the Movement to "Rondeau"

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Listening Selection Used: Rondeau from Nitétis

"Rondeau", or rondo, is a listening example of rondo form.
In this rondo, the A section is repeated.
The form is A A B A C A D A

Mirror the movements in the video.

Have each student choose a partner.
One student will be the leader and the other the mirror.
Play the video again, and have students create their own mirror movement.
Switch so that each student gets a turn to be leader.

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Teach “Circle ‘Round the Zero”

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Song Used: Circle ‘Round the Zero

This is a fun singing game. It’s a good song to use when teaching about friendship. Students should always practice good social skills when they play singing games. In this game, students should choose as a partner the student that they are behind. Students should be reminded that it is good manners to include everyone in a game. They shouldn’t scoot ahead of a student to get to someone that they like better.
Teach "Circle Round the Zero" by rote. Teach and play the game.

Play the “Circle ‘Round the Zero” game

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Song Used: Circle ‘Round the Zero

One student walks around the outside of the circle. On the words, "Find your lovin' zero," they stop behind a student. On "back, back, zero," the two students bump backs, then bump sides, then clap hands (on "front, front, zero"), and then swing. Both students then continue around the circle. Start the game again when you run out of partners.

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Review “I See the Moon”

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Song Used: I See the Moon

Listen to "I See the Moon". Teach the song by rote.

Have the students read the rhythm of the song from the projectable.

Optional: Teach the Orff arrangement for “I See the Moon”

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Song Used: I See the Moon

Teach the Orff arrangement or create and add an accompaniment for the song using C and G tone bars

Creative Ideas: Set the barred instruments up using the notes FGA CD. Have the students at the instruments improvise or create a new melody between repetitions of the song. You could have each instrument take a turn.

Sing "The Music Time Is Over"

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Song Used: The Music Time is Over

Sing "The Music Time Is Over".

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