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Looking to use Grade 2 Lesson 8 in your Grade 2 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Form, Dynamics, Beat

Grade 2 Lesson 8

Form, Dynamics, Beat
Grade 2
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In this lesson you will

  1. Sing the Echoes in “Welcome to Music”
  2. Do Vocal Warmups with Spooky Sounds
  3. Play Freeze Dance or Play Instruments with the Music
  4. Read the rhythms for “Icka Backa”
  5. Sing “Icka Backa”
  6. Play the game with “Icka Backa”
  7. Create unpitched accompaniment for “Icka Backa”
  8. Create a Rondo with “Witch’s Stew” or “Icky Stew”
  9. Create a Rondo with “Witch’s Stew”
  10. Create a Rondo with “Icky Stew”
  11. Echo so-mi Patterns
  12. Learn to Sing “Old Mother Witch” or “Old Missus Fitch”
  13. Review dynamics
  14. Play the game “Old Mother Witch”
  15. Name the solfa notes for “Old Mother Witch”
  16. Sing “The Music Time Is Over”


Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can sing, play and move to music.
  • I can read, create, sing and play so-mi patterns.

Sing the Echoes in "Welcome to Music"

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Song Used: Welcome to Music

Sing the echo parts in "Welcome to Music".

Teachers: When students are very confident singing this song, let them take turns being the leader!

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Do Vocal Warmups with Spooky Sounds

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Practice Item Used: Warm Ups

Do vocal warmups with spooky sounds.

Echo the sounds that you hear.

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Play Freeze Dance or Play Instruments with the Music

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Invite students to move to the beat: dance, twist, hop, turn, sway.

Teachers starts the music. When the teacher hits pause, all FREEZE.
Some teachers play this as an elimination game. If you're moving after the music stops, you sit down.
A fun variant is to have students freeze and make a pose. You might make a pose like a pumpkin or a cat or a skeleton.
Play instruments with the music.
If grade ones have not learned to read rhythms, have them play the beat with the recording.
If students do know how to read rhythms, create some patterns as a class and play them with the music.

Read the rhythms for "Icka Backa"

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Song Used: Icka Backa

Read the rhythms. Read the melody using solfa hand signs or arm motions to show how the melody moves up and down.

Sing "Icka Backa"

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Song Used: Icka Backa

Sing the song.

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Play the game with "Icka Backa"

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Song Used: Icka Backa

Form a circle. Pass a beach ball to the beat. If you have the beach ball on the word “you,” you’re out and sit down. You can also use “Icka Backa” to select racers. Pound fists, or tap shoulders of one student per beat. The student selected on the word “you” is racer one; the student opposite will also race. They speed walk around the circle, back to their own place. The first one to reach their place wins. They should then sit down so you know they’ve had turns.

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Create unpitched accompaniment for "Icka Backa"

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Song Used: Icka Backa

Have students create accompaniment with unpitched instruments. The students in the kids demo below chose to play sticks on the eighth notes and a triangle on the quarter notes. (Note: The printed manipulatives on their desks are available in the song under printables - Beat and Rhythm Worksheets page 4-5)

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Create a Rondo with "Witch’s Stew" or "Icky Stew"

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Song Used: Witch’s Stew

Create a rondo with "Witch’s Stew" or "Icky Stew".

Change the words "witch's stew" to "icky stew" for schools that don't do Halloween.

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Create a Rondo with "Witch’s Stew"

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Song Used: Witch’s Stew

Create a rondo with #24 "Witch’s Stew".

Have each student in your class decide what to put in the stew.
If you can, add instrument sounds to the rondo.

If your school does not celebrate Halloween, do the "Icky Stew" activity that follows.

Create a Rondo with "Icky Stew"

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Song Used: Witch’s Stew

Have each student in your class decide what to put in the stew.

If you can, add instrument sounds to the rondo.

Echo so-mi Patterns

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Practice Item Used: mi so (m s)

Echo so-mi patterns.

Have students sing their own so-mi patterns and have the class echo (if allowed to sing).
Have students play so-mi patterns on a barred instrument and have students echo.

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Learn to Sing "Old Mother Witch" or "Old Missus Fitch"

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Song Used: Old Mother Witch

Learn to sing "Old Mother Witch" or "Old Missus Fitch". This song is a good reading song.

For non-Halloween schools, change the words to "Old Missus Fitch".

Review dynamics

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Unit Used: Dynamics

Watch the video to review dynamics

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Play the game "Old Mother Witch"

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Song Used: Old Mother Witch

Formation: The students are lined up on one side of the gym. One student (or the teacher) is chosen to be the “witch” and is in the middle of the gym.

The students sing the song.
The witch asks, “Are you my students?”
The students reply softly (piano), “No, we’re not!”
The witch asks, “Are you my students?”
The students reply in a louder (mezzo piano) voice, “No, we’re not!”
The witch asks, “Are you my students?”
The students reply in a loud (forte) voice, “Yes, we are!”

The students try to run past the witch to the other side of the gym without being tagged. When they are tagged they become “witches” also, and try to tag the rest of the students as they cross the gym. This game works best in the gym or outside between soccer goal posts. In a small room I restrict the witch to tagging only one student each time, and instruct the witch to tag a student who’s really trying to get away.

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Name the solfa notes for "Old Mother Witch"

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Sing "The Music Time Is Over"

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Song Used: The Music Time is Over

Sing "The Music Time Is Over".

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