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Looking to use Middle School Lesson 23A – song-based lesson in your Middle School classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Timbre of Orchestral Instruments, String Family

You'll also cover the themes of: Romantic, 1800s, Eras in Music, Asia, Our Musical World, Composers

Middle School Lesson 23A – song-based lesson



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Play Poison Rhythm
  2. Do a rhythm play along to practice dotted 8th-16th
  3. Learn about the song “Arupusu”
  4. Teach “Arupusu”
  5. Play the clap game with “Arupusu”
  6. Review “Lift Every Voice and Sing”
  7. Learn about the song “Wade in the Water”
  8. Teach “Wade in the Water”
  9. Option 1: Play “Wade in the Water” on the ukulele
  10. Option 2: Teach the Orff arrangement for “Wade in the Water”
  11. Learn about the song “John B Sails” (Sloop John B)
  12. Teach “John B Sails” (Sloop John B)
  13. Optional: Accompany with guitars, ukuleles, Orff or Boomwhackers
  14. Watch the Beach Boys perform “Sloop John B”
  15. Read about Beethoven’s String Quartet
  16. View a performance of Movement I “Allegro ma non tanto”, from String Quartet No. 4 in C Minor by Ludwig van Beethoven
  17. Optional: Complete the worksheet


Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can read rhythms and melodies
  • I can compare musical performances
  • I can describe a string quartet

Play Poison Rhythm

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Practice Item Used: 20 q qr Q h. q;.u

Play poison rhythm.
This is to practice the dotted 8th-16th note rhythm that will be found in Arupusu.

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Do a rhythm play along to practice dotted 8th-16th

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Practice Item Used: 14 q qr Q h qrt qtr

Do a rhythm play-along to practice dotted 8th-16th.

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Learn about the song "Arupusu"

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Song Used: Arupusu

Learn about the song "Arupusu".

Teach "Arupusu"

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Song Used: Arupusu

Teach the song "Arupusu".

If students are able to, have them read the rhythms.
If they can, have them read the notes using solfege or note names.

OR - teach the song by rote. Sing or play a phrase and have students echo. Combine phrases. Sing or play the whole song and have students echo.

Play the clap game with "Arupusu"

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Song Used: Arupusu

Play the clap game with "Arupusu"

The clapping pattern is outlined below.
A clap own hands
ru clap right hands with a partner
pu clap own hands
su clap left hands with a partner
ichi clap own hands
man clap right hands with a partner
ja clap own hands ku clap left hands with a partner
ko ya clap own hands twice
ri no clasp hands together, turn knuckles so they are facing you and stretch arms out
u hold right elbow with left hand, and touch partners elbow
e de hold left elbow with right hand, and touch partners elbow

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Review "Lift Every Voice and Sing"

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Song Used: Lift Every Voice and Sing

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Learn about the song “Wade in the Water”

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Song Used: Wade in the Water

Teacher note: "Wade in the Water" is a spiritual and includes religious themes. We ask that you consider the needs of your classroom and your community when making decisions about using this song.

Teach “Wade in the Water”

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Song Used: Wade in the Water

Teach the song by rote. Discuss repeat signs. Have the students read the rhythms for this song.

Option 1: Play “Wade in the Water” on the ukulele

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Instrument Song Used: Wade in the Water

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Option 2: Teach the Orff arrangement for “Wade in the Water”

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Song Used: Wade in the Water

Creative Ideas: Have the students playing hand drums create a four measure introduction for the song.

Learn about the song "John B Sails" (Sloop John B)

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Song Used: John B. Sails

Read about the song "John B Sails" on Wikipedia.

Teacher note: Please note that this song includes references to alcohol use and misuse. We ask that you consider the needs of your classroom and your community when making decisions about using this song.

Teach "John B Sails" (Sloop John B)

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Song Used: John B. Sails

Teach the song "John B Sails" (Sloop John B)

Teach by rote. Sing or play a phrase and have students echo. Combine phrases. Sing or play the whole song and have students echo.

Optional: Accompany with guitars, ukuleles, Orff or Boomwhackers

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Song Used: John B. Sails

Optional - Accompany the song with guitars, ukuleles, Orff or Boomwhackers. A printable pdf is found in supporting resources.

It is suggested that you accompany in the key of G instead of the key of F that the song is recorded in. The key of G has easier chords to play on guitar and ukulele. If you are accompanying with barred instruments or Boomwhackers use the following notes for the chords. Decide on a rhythm to play or play the beat of the music

G = G B D
D7 = D F# A C. (leave out the F# is you don't have chromatics.)
C = C E G

Watch the Beach Boys perform "Sloop John B"

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Song Used: John B. Sails

Note to Teachers: The original sea chantey (and the Beach Boys version) contain references to drinking. You could use this as a discussion about sailors and why the royal navy gave sailors rum rations until 1970. You may also want to discuss what kind of problems alcohol can cause. You know your students best, and may choose not to teach this song.

Invite the students to discuss similarities and differences in this music video compared to current music videos. Discuss similarities and differences in this recording compared to the Musicplay recording.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Read about Beethoven's String Quartet

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Song Used: Beethoven String Quartet

Read about Movement I “Allegro ma non tanto”, from String Quartet No. 4 in C Minor by Ludwig van Beethoven.

There is a printable student worksheet to accompany this listening selection.

View a performance of Movement I “Allegro ma non tanto”, from String Quartet No. 4 in C Minor by Ludwig van Beethoven

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Song Used: Beethoven String Quartet

View a performance of Beethoven's String Quartet No 4, Mve 1.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Optional: Complete the worksheet

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Song Used: Beethoven String Quartet

Discuss the questions in the worksheet, or have students complete it.

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