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Looking to use Grade 1 Lesson 5 in your Grade 1 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Beat, Expression, Form

Grade 1 Lesson 5

Beat, Expression, Form
Tone Set(s):
m s
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In this lesson, you will:

  1. Sing the Echoes in “Welcome to Music”
  2. Echo Bobo
  3. Move to the Beat with Music by Mozart
  4. Dramatize “Ten in the Bed”
  5. Sing Along with “Ten in the Bed”
  6. Listen to a Singing Game from Ghana “Kye Kye Koolay”
  7. Watch How the Kids in the Class Play the Game
  8. Learn about Ghana
  9. Sing “Bye Low Baby Oh”
  10. Listen and Move to “I Can Sing a High Note”
  11. Copy the high and low movements while singing “I Can Sing a High Note”
  12. Listen and Watch the Birds in “Aviary”
  13. Now Watch the Video of “Elephants”
  14. Move to the Music of “Elephants”
  15. Play the High Low Game
  16. Review “Rock Around the Alphabet”
  17. Optional for Canadian Thanksgiving: “I’m Thankful”
  18. Optional for Canadian Thanksgiving: “I Like Turkey”
  19. Sing the Echoes in our Closing Song “The Music Time is Over”

Extras for Canadian Thanksgiving:

Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can tell which are high notes and which are low.

Sing the Echoes in "Welcome to Music"

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Song Used: Welcome to Music

Sing the echoes in "Welcome to Music."

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Echo Bobo

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Practice Item Used: Bobo

Echo Bobo - sing what Bobo sings, right after you hear it.

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Move to the Beat with Music by Mozart

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Listening Selection Used: Contradance No. 2 in E-flat Major from Five Contradances for Orchestra

Move to the beat with music by Mozart.

Copy the teacher in the video.

In the second part of the video make up your movements to the beat.

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Dramatize "Ten in the Bed"

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Song Used: Ten in the Bed

In the video, 10 stuffed animals were used to dramatize the song "Ten in the Bed." Could your class dramatize the song?

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Sing Along with "Ten in the Bed"

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Song Used: Ten in the Bed

Sing along with "Ten in the Bed."

Can you sing while you dramatize the song?

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Listen to a Singing Game from Ghana "Kye Kye Koolay"

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Song Used: Kye Kye Koolay

Listen to a singing game from Ghana "Kye Kye Koolay."

Listen once. The second time, sing the echoes.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Watch How the Kids in the Class Play the Game

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Song Used: Kye Kye Koolay

Watch how the kids in the class play the game.

Try making a statue pose each time you echo the singer.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Learn about Ghana

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Song Used: Kye Kye Koolay

Watch the video to learn about Ghana

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Sing “Bye Low Baby Oh”

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Song Used: Bye Low Baby Oh

This song is good for teaching beat, rhythm, high/low, and so-mi. Teach the song by rote.

Discuss with the students what kind of song it is. Tell them it's a lullaby and discuss where and when lullabies are sung. Discuss whether you would sing the song loudly or quietly and why.

Listen and Move to "I Can Sing a High Note"

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Song Used: I Can Sing a High Note

Listen and move to "I Can Sing a High Note."

Stand up and reach up for the high notes.

Bend down for the low notes.

Reach your arms out for the middle notes.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Copy the high and low movements while singing "I Can Sing a High Note"

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Song Used: I Can Sing a High Note

Watch the kids in the video do the high and low movements and copy them.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Listen and Watch the Birds in "Aviary"

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Listening Selection Used: “Aviary” from Carnival of the Animals

Listen and watch the birds in "Aviary."

Is the music high or low?

The flute is playing high sounds!

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Now Watch the Video of "Elephants"

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Listening Selection Used: “The Elephant” from Carnival of the Animals

Now watch the video of "Elephants."

Is the music high or low?

The melody is low.

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Move to the Music of "Elephants"

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Listening Selection Used: “The Elephant” from Carnival of the Animals

Move to the music of "Elephants."

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Play the High Low Game

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Game Used: High or Low

Play the High Low Game.

Review “Rock Around the Alphabet”

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Song Used: Rock Around the Alphabet

Point to the letters as you sing the song.

A printable alphabet pointing page is also available in the supporting resources.

Optional for Canadian Thanksgiving: "I'm Thankful"

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Listen to the song.

Play it again, and sing along

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Optional for Canadian Thanksgiving: "I Like Turkey"

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Song Used: I Like Turkey

Watch the kids play a chase game.

You could play this at home with people in your family as a "race game." Sing the song, then race to the finish!

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Sing the Echoes in our Closing Song "The Music Time is Over"

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Song Used: The Music Time is Over

Sing the echoes in our closing song "The Music Time is Over."

Video not working? Try a different video source.
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