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Looking to use Grade 5 Lesson 6 in your Grade 5 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Woodwind Family, Tempo, Beat

Grade 5 Lesson 6

Woodwind Family, Tempo, Beat
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In this lesson, you will:

  1. Play Melody Playback (drm sl in F Major)
  2. Review the solfa and rhythms for “Button You Must Wander”
  3. Play the game with “Button You Must Wander”
  4. Listen “Ronald MacDonald”
  5. Play the game with “Ronald MacDonald”
  6. Review tempo terms
  7. Play rhythms in 3/4 at a variety of tempos
  8. Play along with “Theme from Variations on ‘Nel cor piú’”
  9. Learn about the flute
  10. Review the Woodwind Family
  11. Read the music for “Alabama Gal”
  12. Learn the dance for “Alabama Gal”
  13. Name the notes for “Alabama Gal”
  14. Name the solfa notes for “Alabama Gal”
  15. Do Body Percussion lesson #8 with Cristian
  16. Review Body Percussion Lesson 7
  17. Review Body Percussion Lesson 6
  18. Create your own body percussion sequence
  19. Create your own body percussion sequence
  20. Optional: Play Rhythm Racer with Syncopated Rhythms


  • Alabama Gal – teach the Orff arrangement, teach the Boomwhacker arrangement

Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can perform music at a variety of tempos.
  • I can perform and create body percussion.
  • I can sing and move to a song.
  • I can read and sing a drm sl song.
  • I can read and sing a s,l, drm s song.
  • I can read syncopated rhythms.

Play Melody Playback

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Practice Item Used: Melody Playback Game

Play this game to practice drm sl in the key of F.

Looking for a challenge? Click on the gear at the top and uncheck "Check to enable pulsing".

Review the solfa and rhythms for “Button You Must Wander”

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Play the game with “Button You Must Wander”

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Song Used: Button You Must Wander

Game directions: Form a seated circle. When the song begins, the teacher pretends to drop a button into the hands of three or four students but really drops the button into the hands of one student. The rest of the students watch the whole process and at the end, guess who has the button.

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Listen "Ronald MacDonald"

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Song Used: Ronald MacDonald

Listen to the song, "Ronald MacDonald". Teach the game.

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Play the game with "Ronald MacDonald"

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Song Used: Ronald MacDonald

Game Directions: Form a circle with all the players. Pat and clap own hands as shown, but instead of clapping right and left hands with your partner, clap both hands sideways with the people on either side of you in the circle. Sing the first time slowly, increasing the speed each time you play (adagio - andante - moderato - presto - prestissimo). Use the correct tempo terms as you increase/decrease the speed.

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Review tempo terms

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Play rhythms in 3/4 at a variety of tempos

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Tool Used: Tempo Interactive

Play rhythms at a variety of tempos

Click on "teaching slides" to review the tempos that are given in the example.

Play along with “Theme from Variations on ‘Nel cor piú’”

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Listening Selection Used: Theme from Variations on “Nel cor piú”

Is it fast or slow? (moderately slow)
Is it loud or soft? (mf~mp)

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Learn about the flute

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Listening Selection Used: Theme from Variations on “Nel cor piú”

Theobold Boehm (the previous piece's composer) is best known as the inventor of the modern flute. Over the course of his career, he completely redesigned the flute, giving it the shape and mechanism that we use today.

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Review the Woodwind Family

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Unit Used: Instruments of the Orchestra

The flute is part of the Woodwind Family. Review the instruments that are part of the woodwind family.

Read the music for “Alabama Gal”

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Song Used: Alabama Gal

This song provides practice reading syncopation. The song uses the song uses the tone set s,l, drm s. If you teach solfa, have your students sing the song using the solfa notes. If you don't use solfa, you could have the students sing the letter names or teach the melody by rote.

Learn the dance for “Alabama Gal”

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Song Used: Alabama Gal

Contradance formation: four to six pairs in a line, with partners facing one another.

Verse 1: Head pair joins hands and sashays to the foot of the set and back again.
Verse 2: Head pair swing right arms with each other, and then left arms with the person in the line opposite them, then right arms with their partner in between each of the other participants. Repeat this verse if necessary.
Verse 3: When the head couple reaches the foot of the set, they join hands and sashays to the head of the set and "peel the orange," forming an arch at the bottom of the set.
Verse 4: The other participants join hands and come through the arch to begin the dance again with a new head pair.

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Name the notes for “Alabama Gal”

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Name the solfa notes for “Alabama Gal”

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Do Body Percussion lesson #8 with Cristian

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Instrument Song Used: Stomp Loud!

Do Body Percussion lesson #8 with Cristian.

Stop the video as needed to practice.

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Review Body Percussion Lesson 7

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Instrument Song Used: Ode to Joy

Review Body Percussion Lesson 7

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Review Body Percussion Lesson 6

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Instrument Song Used: Rock and Roll

Review Body Percussion Lesson 6

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Create your own body percussion sequence

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Create your own body percussion sequence

When you have a sequence that you like, write it down on a piece of paper as shown in the picture.

If you have a printer, you could print this from the supporting resources.

Create your own body percussion sequence

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Create your own body percussion sequence

Perform your body percussion sequence with the audio track below.

Optional: Play Rhythm Racer with Syncopated Rhythms

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