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Looking to use Grade 2 Extra January Lesson in your Grade 2 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Melodic Direction (high-middle-low), Verse-Chorus, Form, Beat

You'll also cover the themes of: 1600s, Baroque, Eras in Music, Sea Songs, Composers

Grade 2 Extra January Lesson



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Sing the echoes in “Welcome to Music”
  2. Echo d m s in C Major
  3. Review “Pass the Stick”
  4. Play the “Pass the Stick” game
  5. Complete a rhythm sort for “Pass the Stick”
  6. Option 1: Complete a solfa challenge for “Pass the Stick”
  7. Option 2: Complete a note name challenge for “Pass the Stick”
  8. Teach “Boom, Boom”
  9. Learn About Sea Shanties
  10. Teach “Haul on the Bowlin’”
  11. Play the rhythm play along with “Allegro Assai”
  12. Learn About the Composer Johann Sebastian Bach
  13. Watch a segment of “Bach’s Fight for Freedom”
  14. Discuss the movie
  15. Request and Review for the month of January
  16. Sing “The Music Time Is Over”


Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can describe a sea shantey.
  • I can read solfa and rhythms.
  • I can describe verse-chorus.

Sing the echoes in “Welcome to Music”

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Song Used: Welcome to Music

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Echo d m s in C Major

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Practice Item Used: do mi so (d m s)

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Review “Pass the Stick”

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Song Used: Pass the Stick

Sing the song for the students with the solfa hand signs or arm motions, showing how the melody goes up and down. Have the students sing the song with hand signs or arm motions. Teach and play the game.

Play the “Pass the Stick” game

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Song Used: Pass the Stick

Stand in a single circle. While you sing, pass a stick around the circle. One student is outside the circle holding a pair of cymbals. When the outside student crashes the cymbals, the person who is holding the stick is "out" and becomes the next cymbal crasher. If two people have hands on the stick, they are both out and share the cymbal crashing responsibility jointly. If someone drops the stick, they are also out.

Alternatively: As students go "out" have them go to the Orff instruments and play a C-G bordun with the song.

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Complete a rhythm sort for “Pass the Stick”

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Option 1: Complete a solfa challenge for “Pass the Stick”

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Option 2: Complete a note name challenge for “Pass the Stick”

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Teach “Boom, Boom”

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Song Used: Boom Boom

Teach the song by rote. Review verse-chorus form. Create and add actions.

Consider adding unpitched instruments to the song. For example:
- Boom boom, crazy - play the words on a drum
- Silly and foolish all day long - play the beat on egg shakers
- Verse - play the beat with sticks
- Whoops said the flea (spoken parts of each verse) - vibraslap

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Learn About Sea Shanties

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Watch the video to learn about sea shanties.

Thank you to Chris Biasutti for permission to share his video!

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Teach “Haul on the Bowlin’

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Song Used: Haul on the Bowlin’

Choose soloists (or teacher) to sing the call and all sing the response.

Create movements to accompany the song.

Play the rhythm play along with “Allegro Assai”

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Listening Selection Used: Allegro assai from Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F Major

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Learn About the Composer Johann Sebastian Bach

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Listening Selection Used: Allegro assai from Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F Major

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Watch a segment of “Bach’s Fight for Freedom”

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Unit Used: Bach’s Fight for Freedom

Finish the movie.

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Request and Review for the month of January

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Sing “The Music Time Is Over”

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Song Used: The Music Time is Over

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