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Looking to use Grade 3 Back to School – Lesson 4 in your Grade 3 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Beat, Melodic Direction (high-middle-low), Timbre of Orchestral Instruments

You'll also cover the themes of: Animal Songs, Building Character (SEL), Forest Animals

Grade 3 Back to School – Lesson 4



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Play the Circle Name Game
  2. Discuss How tos and What ifs
  3. Review the “Music Room Rules”
  4. Review “Welcome Welcome”
  5. Optional: Review the Orff arrangement for “Welcome Welcome”
  6. Option 1: Read the story “All Are Welcome”
  7. Option 2: Listen to the story “Be Kind”
  8. Review “Wave of Kindness”
  9. Review the choreography for “Wave of Kindness”
  10. Do the choreography and sing “Wave of Kindness”
  11. Review “Let Us Chase the Squirrel”
  12. Review the game with “Let Us Chase the Squirrel”
  13. Play the game and sing “Let Us Chase the Squirrel”
  14. Play Orchestra Instruments Bingo
  15. Sing “The Music Time is Over”


About the ‘Back to School’ Lessons
Different school districts have different start dates, ranging from the end of July to after Labor Day. The Musicplay song sequence is designed to begin in the first week of September. For teachers whose schools start earlier than September, there are five ‘Back to School’ lessons provided. If your school year begins in August, start with ‘Back to School’ lesson 1. Once September begins, regardless of your start date, use the ‘September Week 1’ lesson.


  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can read drm s.
  • I can identify different orchestral instrument timbres.

Play the Circle Name Game

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Unit Used: Back to School

Follow the instructions on the slide.

Discuss How tos and What ifs

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Unit Used: Back to School

Teach or review procedures.

Review the “Music Room Rules”

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Unit Used: Back to School

Teach or review the Music Room Rules
Have the students give examples of good choices, being responsible, good manners, etc.

Review “Welcome Welcome”

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Song Used: Welcome, Welcome

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Optional: Review the Orff arrangement for “Welcome Welcome”

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Option 1: Read the story “All Are Welcome”

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Unit Used: Storybooks

Listen to the story, "All Are Welcome."
Pause the video and sing the welcome song each time you hear the words, "All are welcome here."

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Option 2: Listen to the story "Be Kind"

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Unit Used: Storybooks

The story "Be Kind" discusses many ways that you could be kind.
Listen to the story, and brainstorm a list of the ways that you could be kind!
Then practice the JJ song, "Wave of Kindness."

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Review "Wave of Kindness"

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Song Used: Wave of Kindness

Listen to the whole song.
After listening, invite students to tell you what they think the song means. (If discussion is taking too long, have the students think-pair-share for 30 seconds with their neighbor)

Play a phrase, pause and have students echo. Continue until they have learned the song. Then try singing along.

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Review the choreography for “Wave of Kindness”

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Song Used: Wave of Kindness

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Do the choreography and sing “Wave of Kindness”

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Song Used: Wave of Kindness

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Review “Let Us Chase the Squirrel”

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Song Used: Let Us Chase the Squirrel

Have the students show the phrases with arm motions. Discuss which phrases are the are the same and which are different. Phrase form for this song is abac.

Show the students the melody on the tone ladder. Teach the students to read the melody from the tone ladder or from your hand signs.

Review the game with “Let Us Chase the Squirrel”

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Song Used: Let Us Chase the Squirrel

“Let Us Chase the Squirrel” is a chase game. Have the students that are playing the game make a circle. Choose one student to be the “hunter” and one student to be the“squirrel.” The hunter breaks out of the circle at the end of the song, and chases the squirrel around the circle, trying to tag the squirrel before the squirrel reaches the hole that the hunter made in the circle.

Denise Tip: I choose the “squirrel” and “hunter” from my immediate right. After they have had their turn, they join the circle on my left side. They remain part of the circle, and I know who has had turns. We play this game around a large tree in the school yard.

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Play the game and sing “Let Us Chase the Squirrel”

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Song Used: Let Us Chase the Squirrel

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Play Orchestra Instruments Bingo

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Game Used: Instrument Bingo

Divide the class into 2 groups and play the game.
Try a few of the options.

Sing "The Music Time is Over"

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Song Used: The Music Time is Over

Watch the video and sing along!

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