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Looking to use Halloween Happenings in your classroom?

Halloween Happenings

Months / Weeks(s):
Week 1, Week 4, Week 3, Week 2, October
Denise Gagne
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Halloween Happenings – Links to fun audio and storybooks for Halloween

Looking for Dracula – a spooky song by Charlotte Diamond to dramatize

Monster Mash – play a cup game to the music

The Little Old Lady Who was not Afraid of Anything

Rattlebone Rock

Room on the Broom

Where’s my Mummy?

Looking for Dracula, Charlotte Diamond

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Looking for Dracula, Charlotte Diamond

Download the audio track from iTunes or Spotify.
Slippery Fish is another Charlotte Diamond favorite!

This is a favorite to dramatize with primary students.

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How to Play the Cup Game

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How to Play the Cup Game

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Monster Mash Cup Game

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Monster Mash by Bobby Pickett

Older students may learn form through cup games that challenge their ability to listen and identify parts, and successfully execute cup patterns while keeping a steady beat.

This activity allows students to play two simple cup patterns individually, rather than having to pass their cup to a neighbour or partner.

Have your older students identify the form of the piece and write it down. Then invite them to create their own cup pattern to accompany the song. This could include mov’t or instrument playing!

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Storybook link: The Little Old Lady Who was not Afraid of Anything

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The Little Old Lady Who was not Afraid of Anything
Williams, Linda (1986). The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything. New York: Scholastic Inc.

This is a wonderful story for October! It builds as the story is told:

Examples: As the little old lady is walking, she finds gloves, then pants, then shirt etc.

Each clothing item is mentioned every time the little old lady finds an additional item, until finally, she finds all the clothing to create a scarecrow.

Different instruments may be played for each piece of clothing introduced in the story.

Example: A drum is used for the boots walking, shakers for the pants that wiggle.

If you are teaching online, have students draw their own pieces of clothing to build while they listen to the story or have them create their own sounds from home to accompany the story.

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Clothes Graphic

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Clothes Graphic, to use with the LIttle Old Lady Story

Rattlebone Rock

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Get out your instrument kits and create sound effects to go with this story book.

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Room on the Broom

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Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson

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Where's my Mummy?

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Where’s My Mummy? Crimi, Carolyn (2008). New York: Scholastic Inc.

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Danse Macabre lesson by Dana Herro

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Teaching Danse Macabre to Elementary General Music teachers through theme songs, movement and instruments/props

To perform the Glowstick Routine mentioned at the end of the video will be in the next procedure.

The visuals for this activity are in "Supporting Resources"

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Danse Macabre Glowstick Routine

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Danse Macabre Glowstick Routine

The visuals for this activity are in "Supporting Resources"

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