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Looking to use Middle School Lesson 7 in your Middle School classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Beat

Middle School Lesson 7

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In this lesson you will

  1. Learn to do the “Butterfly Clap” (Warm Up)
  2. Play Poison Rhythm
  3. Review “Fish and Chips”
  4. Play “Fish and Chips” on Ukuleles or Guitars
  5. Learn about textures in music
  6. Complete the worksheet on textures
  7. Review the C Major Scale
  8. Review “Dollar”
  9. Play the game with “Dollar”
  10. Name the notes for “Dollar”
  11. Learn “Dry Bones” and play with instruments
  12. Learn about the song “Dry Bones”
  13. Review “Everybody Say Yes”
  14. Play Note Toss (C Major Scale)



  • I can sing and accompany my singing.
  • I can perform and create with body percussion.

Learn to do the "Butterfly Clap" (Warm Up)

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Instrument Song Used: Butterfly Clap

Learn to do the "Butterfly Clap".

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Play Poison Rhythm

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Practice Item Used: 19 qsr

Play "Poison Rhythm" (8 beats with triplets). If this is too challenging click on the link to go to the rhythm practice level and select an easier video.

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Review "Fish and Chips"

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Song Used: Fish and Chips

Can you sing it as a 3 part partner song?

Try dividing the class into two groups and sing two of the songs at the same time. If successful, divide into three groups and sing all three parts at the same time.

Play "Fish and Chips" on Ukuleles or Guitars

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Learn about textures in music

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What texture do you think Fish and Chips uses? (monophonic when singing alone & polyphonic when singing in 2-3 parts)

Complete the worksheet on textures

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Review the C Major Scale

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Unit Used: Treble Staff Lesson

A worksheet is available in the supplemental resources.

Review "Dollar"

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Song Used: Dollar

Play the game with "Dollar"

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Song Used: Dollar

Game Directions:
The students should sit in a circle. One student sits in the middle with their eyes open. While the song is sung, those in the circle pass a dollar coin from right hand to right hand. Those who do not have the dollar must also act as though they were passing it. At the end of the song the student in the middle must guess who is holding the dollar.

Alternate game directions:
Some classes do not handle the passing well in this game. An alternative way to play is to have all students sit in a circle. All hold out their hands cupping them so the teacher can easily drop the dollar coin into their cupped hands. The teacher really drops the coin into one child’s hands and pretends to for the next 4 or 5 children. All the children on the opposite side of the circle can guess who really has the dollar coin. Some good acting on the part of all students pretending to receive the dollar coin is required to fool those watching.

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Name the notes for "Dollar"

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Song Used: Dollar

Learn "Dry Bones" and play with instruments

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Song Used: Dry Bones

Teach the song by rote. You could try having the students clap on the quarter rests in the song. When they have
identified all the places in the song where there are quarter rests, substitute a variety of rhythm instruments for the
claps. You could use woodblocks for all the rests in the first two lines. Then use a different instrument for every
rest. This song is included during the Halloween season but is suitable for all students because it doesn’t mention
anything Halloween specific.

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Learn about the song "Dry Bones"

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Review "Everybody Say Yes"

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Song Used: Everybody Say Yes

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Play Note Toss

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