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Looking to use Grade 2 Extra March Lesson in your Grade 2 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Melodic Direction (high-middle-low), Dynamics, Beat

You'll also cover the themes of: Bunnies, Classical, Eras in Music, Animal Songs

Grade 2 Extra March Lesson



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Play along with scrapers to “Welcome to Music”
  2. Review “Hide the Easter Eggs”
  3. Review the game for “Hide the Easter Eggs”
  4. Play the game and sing “Hide the Easter Eggs”
  5. Optional: Play “Hide the Easter Eggs” on Boomwhackers
  6. Play Rhythm Hunt
  7. Review “Find the Easter Basket”
  8. Option 1: Create a Rhythm Composition with “Basket” Rhythms
  9. Option 2: Create a Composition with “Egg” Rhythms
  10. Complete the worksheet for Rhythm Hunt
  11. Do Body Percussion With an Irish Fiddle Tune
  12. Move with ribbons or scarves to “Spring” by Vivaldi
  13. Sing “The Music Time Is Over”



  • I can read and perform do-re-mi and mi so-la.
  • I can use quiet, loud and crescendo.
  • I can sing and move to music.

Play along with scrapers to “Welcome to Music”

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Song Used: Welcome to Music

Sing and play along to #1 "Welcome to Music".

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Review “Hide the Easter Eggs”

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Song Used: Hide the Easter Eggs

Read the rhythms for this song. The tune is familiar, so teach the words and play the game.

Review the game for “Hide the Easter Eggs”

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Song Used: Hide the Easter Eggs

Make five large construction paper eggs, or use five colored balloons, or five plastic Easter eggs. Choose five students to be Easter bunnies and hide the eggs, while the others close their eyes and sing the song. When the song is over, hunt for the eggs. The finders become the new Easter bunnies and hide the eggs. If an egg hasn’t been found, the hider gets to hide it again. The eggs must be hidden in plain sight.

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Play the game and sing “Hide the Easter Eggs”

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Song Used: Hide the Easter Eggs

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Optional: Play “Hide the Easter Eggs” on Boomwhackers

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Instrument Song Used: Hide the Easter Eggs

Play Rhythm Hunt

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Unit Used: Melody and Rhythm Hunt

Print and distribute the rhythm cards around the room. Have students hunt for them and copy the patterns onto the worksheet with the same number.

Complete the worksheet for Rhythm Hunt

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Review "Find the Easter Basket"

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Song Used: Find the Easter Basket

This song is included to teach or review dynamics. Read the rhythms for the song, or write them on the board. Explain how the game is played. Don’t let the students shout. If the sound is harsh, have them clap the rhythm of the song softly and getting louder to show where the basket is, instead of singing.

Play the game: Choose one student to hide the Easter basket and another student to look for it. The student who is going to hunt for the Easter basket leaves the room while the “hider” hides it. When the finder returns, the class sings the song, singing softly when the finder is far away from the basket, and singing louder as the finder gets closer to the basket. The basket must be hidden in plain sight. The game continues until everyone in the class has had a turn to hide the basket or to find it.

Option 1: Create a Rhythm Composition with "Basket" Rhythms

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Song Used: Find the Easter Basket

After students have created their 4-beat rhythms and cut out their baskets, have them create a 16-beat rhythm composition.

Decide how to play it (body percussion, instruments, desk drum).
Do they like it? If they do, keep it. If not, try it a new way.
You could use the #75 "Find the Easter Basket" song as an A section and the new rhythm compositions as a B section.

Option 2: Create a Composition with "Egg" Rhythms

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Song Used: Find the Easter Basket

Select 4 "egg" rhythm patterns from the interactive menu.

Decide how to perform them.

You could use body percussion or instruments!

Do Body Percussion With an Irish Fiddle Tune

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Song Used: Connaughtman’s Rambles

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Move with ribbons or scarves to “Spring” by Vivaldi

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Listening Selection Used: Allegro from Concerto No. 1 in E Major (Spring),The Four Seasons

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Sing “The Music Time Is Over”

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Song Used: The Music Time is Over

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