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Looking to use Grade 4 Back To School – Lesson 1 in your Grade 4 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Melodic Direction (high-middle-low), Dynamics, Beat

You'll also cover the themes of: Classical, Eras in Music, Farm, Animal Songs

Grade 4 Back To School – Lesson 1



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Sing the “Hello Song”
  2. Practice Your Rhythm Skills by Echoing Body Percussion
  3. Decide on body percussion to add to the rhythm play along
  4. Discuss How tos and What ifs
  5. Play along with the rhythms (dynamic playalong)
  6. Play the Dynamics Game
  7. Play along with “Contradance No. 3 in D Major” using appropriate dynamics
  8. Sort the dynamics
  9. Teach “Chicken in the Barnyard”
  10. Teach the game with “Chicken in the Barnyard”
  11. Play the game and sing “Chicken in the Barnyard”
  12. Sort the rhythms for “Chicken in the Barnyard”
  13. Teach “Closet Key”
  14. Teach the game with “Closet Key”
  15. Sing and play “Closet Key”
  16. Option 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “Closet Key”
  17. Option 2: Complete the note name challenge for “Closet Key”
  18. Play the Dynamics Pop Quiz
  19. Optional: Complete the “Music and Me” Booklet


About the ‘Back to School’ Lessons

Different school districts have different start dates, ranging from the end of July to after Labor Day. The Musicplay song sequence is designed to begin in the first week of September. For teachers whose schools start earlier than September, there are five ‘Back to School’ lessons provided. If your school year begins in August, start with ‘Back to School’ lesson 1. Once September begins, regardless of your start date, use the ‘September Week 1’ lesson.


  • I can echo body percussion patterns.
  • I can recognize and sing loud and soft.
  • I can read and sing sixteenth notes.

Sing the "Hello Song"

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Song Used: Hello Song

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Practice Your Rhythm Skills by Echoing Body Percussion

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Practice Item Used: 2 q qr

Can you echo the body percussion patterns in the video?

Echo the body percussion patterns when it's your turn.

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Decide on body percussion to add to the rhythm play along

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Practice Item Used: 3 q qr Q

Decide on body percussion to play on this animated play along.
For example:
Clap the eighth notes and pat the quarter notes.
Clap line 1 and pat line 2.

Try it. Do you like it? How many different ways can you think of to play this?

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Discuss How to.... What if?

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Unit Used: Back to School

Talk to the students about how they should enter/leave, sit, and what happens in the event of fire drill or lockdown.

Play along with the rhythms

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Play the Dynamics Game

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Play along with “Contradance No. 3 in D Major” using appropriate dynamics

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Listening Selection Used: Contradance No. 3 in D Major from Five Contradances for Orchestra

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Sort the dynamics

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Teach “Chicken in the Barnyard”

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Song Used: Chicken in the Barnyard

This song replaces the song "Chicken on a Fencepost" which had a verse that was outdated. This is a reading song. Read the rhythms and the melody of the song. This song uses low so and low la. Teach the movement activity or game. Students really love the game.

Teach the game with “Chicken in the Barnyard”

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Song Used: Chicken in the Barnyard

Form two circles---an inside and an outside circle. Choose two racers who leave the circles and hide somewhere in the classroom. Place a rubber chicken in the middle of the inside circle. The teacher now creates a hole in the outside circle, and a hole in the inside circle, by moving two students apart. Sing verse one. At the end of verse one, the two racers have to try to be the first to find and get through the opening in the outside circle, and find and get through the opening in the inside circle to pick up the rubber chicken. The racer who gets to the chicken first wins. It’s kind of like racing through a maze.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Play the game and sing “Chicken in the Barnyard”

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Song Used: Chicken in the Barnyard

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Sort the rhythms for “Chicken in the Barnyard”

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Song Used: Chicken in the Barnyard

Use activity 6 or 9.

Teach “Closet Key”

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Song Used: Closet Key

The game gives students an opportunity to sing with a variety of dynamics. Be sure that they sing with a beautiful sound, even when they are singing forte. If they start to shout, stop them and have them clap the rhythm of the song with varying dynamics instead of singing.

Teach the game with “Closet Key”

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Song Used: Closet Key

Choose two students - one to hide the key and one to find it. The finder must leave the room. The hider is given 30 seconds to hide the key. It must be visible with the naked eye. When the key is hidden, the finder is allowed back in the room. The class sings the song, singing softly when the finder is far away from the key. As the finder gets closer, the singing becomes louder. It is very important that the teacher stress that at ALL dynamic levels, the tone quality should be beautiful. You could write the dynamics terms on the board and point to the appropriate one as the students sing.

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Sing and play “Closet Key”

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Song Used: Closet Key

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Option 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “Closet Key”

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Practice Item Used: do re mi (drm)

Option 2: Complete the note name challenge for “Closet Key”

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Play the Dynamics Pop Quiz

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Optional: Complete the "Music and Me" Booklet

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Print and complete the "Music and Me" booklet to show your teacher or someone in your family.
Make your own booklet and answer the same questions. Share the booklet with your teacher or family.

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