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Looking to use Grade 4 Extra Lesson – October Week 5 in your Grade 4 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Beat, Melodic Direction (high-middle-low), Time Signature

You'll also cover the themes of: Our Musical World, Oceania

Grade 4 Extra Lesson – October Week 5

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In this lesson, we will:

  1. Play poison melody (drm sl)
  2. Read the music for “Pass the Pumpkin”
  3. Play the game with “Pass the Pumpkin”
  4. Name the solfa in “Pass the Pumpkin”
  5. Name the notes in “Pass the Pumpkin”
  6. Review “Mäku e”
  7. Review 3/4 with “Mäku e”
  8. Play the “Mäku e” stick game
  9. Create a Rondo with Treats (printable)
  10. Create a Rondo with Treats (interactive)
  11. Play Rhythm Racer


Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can read and play along with music.
  • I can play a stick game.
  • I can create and perform rhythm patterns.

Play poison melody (drm sl)

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Practice Item Used: do re mi so la (drm sl)

Play poison melody (drm sl)

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Read the music for "Pass the Pumpkin"

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Song Used: Pass the Pumpkin

Read the music for "Pass the Pumpkin"

This is a music reading song and game. Have the students read the rhythms using rhythm names, and sing the melody using either solfa or letter names. If students are not reading rhythms yet, teach by rote.

Play the game with "Pass the Pumpkin"

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Song Used: Pass the Pumpkin

Play the game with "Pass the Pumpkin"

Game directions: Print and cut up the Rhythm Flashcards that are found in the supporting resources (choose the rhythms that your students can read), and put them into a pumpkin, or another container if you don’t have a pumpkin. As the students sing, they pass the pumpkin. At the end of the song, or at a signal, the student who has the pumpkin in front of them pulls a rhythm from the pumpkin and claps it. The class echoes. The student that clapped the rhythm goes to the front of the class to become the start of a rhythm chain. The second student that claps becomes rhythm two in the chain. When there are two students, clap both rhythms, then have the students turn away from the class so the class has to remember both rhythms. If the class is successful remembering two rhythms, continue adding to the chain. How many rhythms can your students remember?

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Name the solfa in "Pass the Pumpkin"

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Song Used: Pass the Pumpkin

Name the solfa in "Pass the Pumpkin"

Name the notes in "Pass the Pumpkin"

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Song Used: Pass the Pumpkin

Name the notes in "Pass the Pumpkin"

Review "Mäku e"

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Song Used: Mäku e

Review "Mäku e"

Teach the song by rote. This song is part of a Maori stick game (E Papä Waiari) from New Zealand. Long ago, young Maori men practiced stick games with six-foot-long sticks so they could practice their spear fighting.

Review 3/4 with "Mäku e"

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Song Used: Mäku e

Review 3/4 with "Mäku e"

This song is an excellent review of 3/4 time. Ask the students to tell you how the beats are grouped. (They are in groups of three.) Have them practice conducting in 3/4 time and count the beats --123 - 123 - 123 - 123.

Play the "Mäku e" stick game

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Song Used: Mäku e

Play the "Mäku e" stick game

When the students can sing the song from memory, begin teaching the game patterns. Begin with the simplest, and as the students master it, try more difficult patterns.

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Create a Rondo with Treats

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Create a Rondo with Treats

Create a rondo with treats.

This is the printable version. You can download this from supporting resources.

A link to the interactive version of the rondo follows

Create a Rondo with Treats

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Create a Rondo with Treats

Create a rondo with Halloween treats.

Play Rhythm Racer

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Game Used: Rhythm Racing

Play Rhythm Racer

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