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Looking to use Grade 4 Lesson 37 in your Grade 4 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Beat, Dynamics, Timbre of Voices

You'll also cover the themes of: Summer, Eras in Music, Classical

Grade 4 Lesson 37

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In this lesson, you will:

  1. Play along with the rhythms
  2. Play the Dynamics Game
  3. Play along with “Contradance No. 4 in C Major” using appropriate dynamics
  4. Sort the dynamics
  5. Teach “Loo La”
  6. Learn the game for “Loo La”
  7. Play the game and sing “Loo La”
  8. Optional: Create a desk drum pattern for “Loo La”
  9. Teach the “Camping Song”
  10. Create a verse for the “Camping Song”
  11. Review “My Hat”
  12. Review the actions for “My Hat”
  13. Do the actions and sing “My Hat”
  14. Option 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “My Hat”
  15. Option 2: Complete the note name challenge for “My Hat”
  16. Option 1: Play “My Hat” on Ukulele or Guitar
  17. Option 2: Play “My Hat” on Boomwhackers


Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can sing and move to music
  • I can create movement to music
  • I can play using different dynamics.

Play along with the rhythms

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Play the Dynamics Game

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Game Used: Trivia Wheel

Divide the class into 2 groups and play the game.

Play along with “Contradance No. 4 in C Major” using appropriate dynamics

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Listening Selection Used: Contradance No. 4 in C Major from Five Contradances for Orchestra

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Sort the dynamics

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Teach “Loo La”

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Song Used: Loo La

This is a nonsense song used to teach and reinforce dynamics. Choose a country to sing about. If the country is close to where you live, sing loud. If the country is far away from you, sing softer. If students are learning the states or provinces, you could sing about them in the same way.

Learn the game for “Loo La”

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Song Used: Loo La

Try playing some of the song patterns using rhythm or lummi sticks instead of hands. It will create some interesting rhythmic accompaniments. Have students create new hand patterns to go with the song.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Play the game and sing “Loo La”

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Song Used: Loo La

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Optional: Create a desk drum pattern for “Loo La”

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Song Used: Loo La

Create a solo desk drum pattern to the song. Be inspired by the kids demo and create new desk drum patterns for the song. Teach your pattern to the class. Try out as many patterns as you have time for.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Teach the “Camping Song”

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Song Used: Camping Song

Ask students if any of them have ever gone to summer camp. Have a few of them share stories of camp food or activities. Teach the chorus by rote; sing two measures and have students echo them. When students know the chorus, listen to the verses on the recording and have them join in on the chorus. Have students write their own verses about camping. Sing the students' verses.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Create a verse for the “Camping Song”

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Song Used: Camping Song

Create a verse for the camping song.

Use the worksheet or save ink and printer paper and use your own paper!

Review “My Hat”

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Song Used: My Hat

This song is a German children's song
In German, the words are

Mein Hut, der hat drei Ecken,
Drei Ecken hat mein Hut,
Und hätt er nicht drei Ecken,
So wär es nicht mein Hut.

Sing along.

Review the actions for “My Hat”

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Song Used: My Hat

Watch the video and do the actions with the students.
For a challenge, you can repeat the song with the same actions and don't say specific word. For example...

-1st time you repeat the verse but don't say "my" - just point to yourself.
-2nd time you repeat the verse but don't say, Hat" , just show the "hat"
-3rd time you repeat the verse but don't say "three" - just put up three fingers.
-4th time you repeat the verse and leave out "corners", just point to your elbows.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Do the actions and sing “My Hat”

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Song Used: My Hat

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Option 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “My Hat”

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Song Used: My Hat

Option 2: Complete the note name challenge for “My Hat”

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Song Used: My Hat

Option 1: Play “My Hat” on Ukulele or Guitar

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Option 2: Play “My Hat” on Boomwhackers

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Instrument Song Used: My Hat

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