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Looking to use Grade 5 Lesson 29 in your Grade 5 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Articulation, Beat, Expression, Timbre of Voices, Harmony, String Family, Percussion Family, Timbre of Orchestral Instruments

You'll also cover the themes of: Africa, Our Musical World

Grade 5 Lesson 29



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Warm up with syncopated rhythms
  2. Complete a rhythm erase
  3. Review “Funga Alafia”
  4. Review the dance for “Funga Alafia”
  5. Dance and sing along with “Funga Alafia”
  6. Play Poison Rhythm
  7. Play rhythms with ties
  8. Read the Words of the Plastics Poem
  9. Read the words of “Show you Care”
  10. Learn about Ties
  11. Learn about Slurs
  12. Teach “Show You Care”
  13. Sing “Show you Care”
  14. Listen to James Taylor sing “The Water is Wide.”
  15. Listen to a choral arrangement of “The Water is Wide”
  16. Compare the Performances
  17. Which Performance Did You Like the Best?


Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can create with speech and ostinato
  • I can sing a song for Earth Day
  • I can compare musical performances

Warm up with syncopated rhythms

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Practice Item Used: 15 q qr Q h eq e

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Complete a rhythm erase

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Review “Funga Alafia”

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Song Used: Funga Alafia

This is an excellent reading song and provides opportunities to move and accompany with rhythm instruments.

Review the dance for “Funga Alafia”

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Song Used: Funga Alafia

Learn the movements.

The first time you: step-close step-close step-close step-clap, then go the other way

The second time: push arms right 2x, left 2x, (continue)

The third time: tap head 4x, touch sides of mouth 4x, touch heart 4x, make prayer motion 4x

The fourth time: step-close step-close step-close step-clap, then go the other way

The third time is supposed to show that 1: with my thoughts I welcome you; 2. with your words I welcome you. 3. with my love I welcome you. 4. with my prayers I welcome you.

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Dance and sing along with “Funga Alafia”

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Song Used: Funga Alafia

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Play Poison Rhythm

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Practice Item Used: 4 q qr Q qTq

- this set uses tied notes

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Play rhythms with ties

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Practice Item Used: 4 q qr Q qTq

- play along with body percussion or instruments

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Read the Words of the Plastics Poem

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Unit Used: Earth Day

Read the words of the Plastics Poem.

Think of things that you could do to help reduce plastic pollution.

For example: I could use cloth shopping bags

Write 2-5 new lines. You can use the worksheet that's provided, or write on a piece of paper.

Read the lines you’ve written and choose the 2 (or 4) you like the best.

Decide on a form for your composition. For example:
A Read the poem
B Read your new lines
A Read the poem again

Extra Challenge: Create an ostinato with mouth sounds. An ostinato is a pattern that repeats.

For example: tu ch-ch tu ch
ta ti-ti ta ta

Do the mouth sounds while someone else in your home reads the poem. Incorporate this into your performance.

Read the words of “Show you Care”

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Song Used: Show You Care

Read the Words of the song, "Show you Care."

Think about the song's meaning.

What is the song about?

Learn about Ties

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Song Used: Show You Care

- read about ties

- in the song "Show You Care" there are ties and slurs

- when listening to the song, look for the ties

Learn about Slurs

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Song Used: Show You Care

- read about slurs

- in the song "Show You Care" there are ties and slurs

- when listening to the song, look for the slurs

- can you tell which are ties and which are slurs?

Teach “Show You Care”

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Song Used: Show You Care

• Sing or play a phrase and have students echo.
• Combine phrases.
• Sing or play the whole song and have students echo.

Sing “Show you Care”

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Song Used: Show You Care

Sing the song, "Show you Care."

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Listen to James Taylor sing “The Water is Wide”

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Song Used: Show You Care

The song, "Show you Care" uses the melody of a traditional folk song, "The Water is Wide."

Listen to the James Taylor recording of "The Water is Wide." Sing along with James Taylor.

The water is wide, I can't cross over, and neither have I wings to fly.
Build me a boat that can carry two and both shall row, my love and I.

There is a ship and she sails the sea. She's loaded deep, as deep can be.
But not so deep as the love I'm in, I know not how I sink or swim.

Oh love is handsome and love is fine, the sweetest flower when first it's new.
But love grows old and waxes cold and fades away like Summer dew.

Build me a boat that can carry two and both shall row, my love and I,
And both shall row, my love and I.

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Listen to a choral arrangement of “The Water is Wide”

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Song Used: Show You Care

Listen to a Choral Arrangement of "The Water is Wide."

How is this similar to the James Taylor version?

How is this performance different?

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Compare the Performances

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Song Used: Show You Care

Listen to three performances of the song, “The Water is Wide.”

Compare the performances.

If you can print, complete the worksheet, "Compare the Performances."

If you don't have a printer, write your comparison on a piece of paper.

Which Performance Did You Like the Best?

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Song Used: Show You Care

Which Performance did you Like the Best?

Write 3-4 sentences telling which performance you liked the best, and why.

Use musical terms in your answer.

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