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Looking to use PreK Lesson 35 in your PreK classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Beat, Timbre of Voices

You'll also cover the themes of: Alphabet Songs, Animal Songs

PreK Lesson 35

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In this lesson, you will:

  1. Sing the echoes for “Time for Music”
  2. Say the “Hello Beat Chant”
  3. Where is Bunny?
  4. Play along with body percussion
  5. Warm up your voice with animal sounds
  6. Review “When Cats Get Up in the Morning”
  7. Make Animal Rhythms with your Animal Sounds Cards
  8. Review “Old Gray Cat”
  9. Review the game for “Old Gray Cat”
  10. Sing and play the game “Old Gray Cat”
  11. Read the “Quest for the Queen” story
  12. Teach “Letter Q”
  13. Teach “Quest for the Queen”
  14. Sing “Quest for the Queen” and copy the movements
  15. Optional: Practice printing the letter Q
  16. Sing “Skinnamarink”


  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can keep the beat.
  • I can create rhythm patterns
  • I can sing a solo.

Sing the echoes for “Time for Music”

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Song Used: Time for Music

Sing Time for Music with the lyrics video.

Count the beats at the end of each verse.
Count the beats out loud.

Think up new ways that you could keep a beat, and sing your new verses.

Numeracy: Counting is numeracy! Duplicate the beat strips in supporting resources and give one strip to each child.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Say the “Hello Beat Chant”

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Song Used: Hello Beat Chant

Use high/low, fast/slow, and loud/quiet voices.

Where is Bunny?

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Hide a bunny and sing, "Where is Bunny?" When the child sings, "Come out!" reveal the bunny and tickle the child's nose with the bunny. Practice solo singing.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Play along with body percussion

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Practice Item Used: Prepare Rhythm

- do the body percussion as shown in the video

- you can speed up or slow down the video using the "gear wheel" in the bottom right corner

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Warm up your voice with animal sounds

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Practice Item Used: Warm Ups

Warm up your voice making animal sounds!

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Review “When Cats Get Up in the Morning”

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Song Used: When Cats Get up in the Morning

Print and cut out the animal sounds cards or save paper and ink, and make your own. Listen to the song "When Cats Get up in the Morning".

Put your animal cards in order as you sing the song.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Make Animal Rhythms with your Animal Sounds Cards

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Song Used: When Cats Get up in the Morning

After singing the song, make patterns with animal sounds. Say or say and play the patterns with body percussion and/or instruments.

Review “Old Gray Cat”

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Song Used: Old Gray Cat

Teach the song "Old Gray Cat".

Pretend to be the cat and then the mouse in this song.

Review the game for “Old Gray Cat”

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Song Used: Old Gray Cat

Watch the kids play the "Old Gray Cat" game.
The kids are pretending to be the cat and the mouse.

Play the video again and act out the song like the kids in the video.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Sing and play the game “Old Gray Cat”

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Song Used: Old Gray Cat

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Read the “Quest for the Queen” story

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Song Used: Q – Quest for the Queen

Watch Mrs. Herro to hear the story and learn the songs.

- or -

Download the PDF from supporting resources and read the story yourself to your students. Then teach the songs by rote yourself.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Teach “Letter Q”

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Song Used: Q – Quest for the Queen

Listen to the song about the letter Q.

Teach “Quest for the Queen”

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Song Used: Q – Quest for the Queen

Listen to the song. Then play the video again and sing along.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Sing “Quest for the Queen” and copy the movements

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Song Used: Q – Quest for the Queen

Watch the kids in the video and do the movements that they do.

Sing and do the movements.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Optional: Practice printing the letter Q

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Song Used: Q – Quest for the Queen

- copy the worksheet and have students complete it

- if printing isn't possible, practice printing Q and draw two things that start with the letter q

Sing "Skinnamarink"

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Song Used: Skinnamarink

Sing "Skinnamarink" to end the lesson.

Video not working? Try a different video source.
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