Grade 5 Lesson 34
StartScale, Time Signature, Key Signature, Harmony, BeatRhythm(s):
Extra Details:
Song Type
Curriculum Links
Learning Module Category
In this lesson, you will:
- Play note toss in C Major
- Teach “Come and Sing”
- Sort the rhythm for “Come and Sing”
- Option 1: Complete the Solfa Challenge for “Come and Sing”
- Option 2: Complete the Note Name Challenge for “Come and Sing”
- Option 3: Complete a worksheet on Major Scales
- Option 1: Play “Come and Sing” on Ukuleles or Guitars
- Option 2: Teach the Orff arrangement for “Come and Sing”
- Play “Which Rhythm Do You Hear?”
- Teach “Clementine”
- Option 1: Teach “Clementine” on Ukuleles
- Option 2: Teach “Clementine” on Guitars
- Option 3: Teach the Orff arrangement for “Clementine”
- El Grillo
- Canzona Prima
- Ukulele in C tuning section
- Guitar section
- Spring Unit
- Grade 5 & Middle School Dances
Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.
- I can sing and move to music
- I can create an accompaniment for a song
- I can sing a C Major scale.
Teaching Procedures
Teach “Come and Sing”
Copy LinkStudents should read the rhythms of the song using rhythm names. The melody uses the notes of the C scale, so it is a good melody to read in solfa or letter names.
This is a four-part round. Be sure the students can sing the melody well in unison before trying it in parts. The first time you try having them sing in parts, have all the class sing the round in unison, while you sing the second part. If the class is successful, divide them into two groups. Have each group sing the round twice, with the second group beginning after measure two. When they are successful at this, try the round in three parts (as recorded) and then in four parts.
Try playing the round on barred instruments or recorders. Change the instruments that you use for each part of the round. Decide which combination of instruments you like the best.
Divide the students into small groups and have each group create a movement for one measure. Then, have groups choose movements for each measure of the song. Perform the song as a movement canon while you sing.
Sort the rhythm for “Come and Sing”
Copy LinkOption 1: Complete the Solfa Challenge for “Come and Sing”
Copy LinkOption 2: Complete the Note Name Challenge for “Come and Sing”
Copy LinkOption 3: Complete a worksheet on Major Scales
Copy LinkOption 1: Play “Come and Sing” on Ukuleles or Guitars
Copy LinkOption 2: Teach the Orff arrangement for “Come and Sing”
Copy LinkCreative Ideas: Create movement for the round. Perform the round as a 4 part singing and movement canon.
Play “Which Rhythm Do You Hear?”
Copy LinkTeach “Clementine”
Copy LinkThis is a miner’s song that became popular during the California gold rush. Teach the song by rote if it is not familiar to your students.
This song gives the students more practice singing in 3/4 meter. If you wish to teach the dotted eighth-sixteenth note rhythm, this would be a good song to use.
Option 1: Teach “Clementine” on Ukuleles
Copy LinkThis song uses only two chords, so it can be easily accompanied on the guitar or ukulele. You may want to create an accompaniment for the song with Boomwhackers. The G chord uses the notes G-B-D and the D chord uses the notes D-F#-A.
Option 2: Teach “Clementine” on Guitars
Copy LinkThis song uses only two chords, so it can be easily accompanied on the guitar or ukulele. You may want to create an accompaniment for the song with Boomwhackers. The G chord uses the notes G-B-D and the D chord uses the notes D-F#-A.
Option 3: Teach the Orff arrangement for “Clementine”
Copy LinkCreative Ideas: Invite the students to create movement to perform with the song.