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Looking to use Middle School Lesson 10 in your Middle School classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Beat, Brass Family, Timbre of Orchestral Instruments

You'll also cover the themes of: USA Patriotic Songs

Middle School Lesson 10



In this lesson you will

  1. Teach “Hanky Panky”
  2. Play the game “Hanky Panky”
  3. Learn about accidentals
  4. Optional: Complete the Accidentals worksheet
  5. Review the basketball routine for “Grand Old Flag & Stars and Stripes Forever”
  6. Teach the basketball routine for “Grand Old Flag & Stars and Stripes Forever”
  7. Optional: Teach the Bucket Drumming Arrangement for “Grand Old Flag”
  8. Optional: Play the bucket drumming arrangement with “You’re a Grand Old Flag”
  9. Learn about the Brass Family
  10. Watch a performance by a brass quintet
  11. Learn about the brass quintet
  12. Learn a cup game to go with “Fig Leaf Rag” played by the Canadian Brass quintet
  13. Do the cup game with “Fig Leaf Rag”
  14. Play “Trivia Wheel”


Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can read, perform and create rhythms and melodies.
  • I can describe the brass family.

Teach "Hanky Panky"

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Song Used: Hanky Panky

Teach this song by rote and teach the game. This is an excellent way to assess whether or not your students are keeping a steady beat.

Play the game "Hanky Panky"

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Song Used: Hanky Panky

Game Directions: The children are seated cross-legged on the floor in a circle. Each child extends their hands, palms facing up. Each player puts the right hand over the hand of the person on the right and the left hand under the hand of the person on the left. The player who begins claps the right hand of the person on his left with his/her right hand. The clapping moves clockwise around the circle. On the last word of the song, “plop”, the player who is about to be hit must pull his or her right hand away or he is out. If the last player pulls away in time the player preceding him is out.

With sixth grade, some extra rules may be needed:
- Anyone hitting too hard is out.
- Anyone rushing the beat on purpose is out.

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Learn about accidentals

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Song Used: Hanky Panky

Read the slide to learn about accidentals.
Complete the worksheet on accidentals.

Optional: Complete the Accidentals worksheet

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Song Used: Hanky Panky

Optional - Have students complete the worksheet on accidentals.

Review the basketball routine for "Grand Old Flag & Stars and Stripes Forever"

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Unit Used: Basketball Performance Ideas

Use the kids demo to review the basketball routine for "Grand Old Flag and Stars and Stripes".

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Teach the basketball routine for "Grand Old Flag & Stars and Stripes Forever"

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Unit Used: Basketball Performance Ideas

The audio and PDF instructions are available in the unit: Basketball Performance Ideas.

Optional: Teach the Bucket Drumming Arrangement for "Grand Old Flag"

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Optional: Play the bucket drumming arrangement with "You're a Grand Old Flag"

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Instrument Song Used: You’re a Grand Old Flag

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Learn about the Brass Family

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Song Used: Brass Family

Learn about the brass family of instruments.

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Watch a performance by a brass quintet

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Listening Selection Used: Canzona Prima a 5

Watch a performance by a brass quintet.

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Learn about the brass quintet

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Learn about the brass quintet.

You can print the worksheet from Supporting Resources and color the instruments of the brass quintet.
- or -
Draw and label the instruments yourself.

Learn a cup game to go with "Fig Leaf Rag" played by the Canadian Brass quintet

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Listening Selection Used: “Fig Leaf Rag”

Learn a cup game to go with "Fig Leaf Rag" played by the Canadian Brass quintet.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Do the cup game with "Fig Leaf Rag"

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Listening Selection Used: “Fig Leaf Rag”

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Play "Trivia Wheel"

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Game Used: Trivia Wheel

Play "Trivia Wheel"

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