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Looking to use PreK Lesson 13 in your PreK classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Beat, Timbre of Unpitched Instruments

You'll also cover the themes of: Alphabet Songs, Animal Songs, Winter

PreK Lesson 13



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Sing “It’s Music Time”
  2. Tap the beats on the beat strip at the end of “It’s Music Time”
  3. Say the “Hello Beat Chant”
  4. Say the poem “Five Little Bells”
  5. Learn the fingerplay for “Five Little Bells”
  6. Teach “Reindeer Pokey”
  7. Learn the movements for “Reindeer Pokey”
  8. Read the Hula Hippo Story
  9. Teach “Letter H”
  10. Teach “Hula Hippo”
  11. Sing and do the actions to “Hula Hippo”
  12. Optional: Complete the Letter H worksheets
  13. Move with scarves to “Trepak, Tchaikovsky”
  14. Teach “I Like Playing in the Snow”
  15. Sing and do the actions with “I Like Playing in the Snow”
  16. Teach “Make Some Toys”
  17. Play instruments with “Make Some Toys”
  18. Sing “Skinnamarink”


Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can keep the beat.
  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can sing and echo.

Sing "It's Music Time"

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Song Used: It’s Music Time

Sing "It's Music Time".

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Tap the beats on the beat strip at the end of "It's Music Time"

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Song Used: It’s Music Time

Your students might be ready to play an instrument while counting the beats between the verses.

Say the "Hello Beat Chant"

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Song Used: Hello Beat Chant

Say the hello beat chant, patting a steady beat as you speak. As they become more familiar with this beat chant, say hello to a student using a high, low, quiet, loud, fast, or slow voice. Also use speaking, whispering, shouting/calling, or singing voices. After you say hello to the student using whatever voice you choose, the class echoes, copying the way you said it.

This week use it to review fast/slow.

Say the poem "Five Little Bells"

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Song Used: Five Little Bells Fingerplay

Children need repetition to build their language skills. Repeat each fingerplay several times, varying some aspect of it.

For example:
1. Say the poem, using your right hand to show the five bells.
2. Say the poem, using your left hand to show the five bells. “Let’s use our other hand.”
3. Say the poem with “magic lips.” You just mouth the words and do the actions. This really helps children to
internalize the beat, and this really seems to help the children learn the words.
4. Add an instrument to the poem as illustrated in the score above.

Extension: What parts should be fast and which parts should be slow?

Learn the fingerplay for "Five Little Bells"

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Song Used: Five Little Bells Fingerplay

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Teach "Reindeer Pokey"

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Song Used: Reindeer Pokey

This is a holiday adaptation of the Hokey Pokey, so the melody may be familiar to your students. Sing the song and teach the movements. Invite the children to sing along. Invite the children to create new verses and sing and act them out. This would be a fun piece for your PreK students to perform in a holiday concert.

Learn the movements for "Reindeer Pokey"

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Song Used: Reindeer Pokey

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Read the Hula Hippo Story

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Song Used: H – Hula Hippo

Listen to the story or read it to your students. The story is in the worksheet bundle for Letter H.

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Teach "Letter H"

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Song Used: H – Hula Hippo

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Teach "Hula Hippo"

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Sing and do the actions to "Hula Hippo"

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Song Used: H – Hula Hippo

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Optional: Complete the Letter H worksheets

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Move with scarves to "Trepak, Tchaikovsky"

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Song Used: Trepak From The Nutcracker Suite – Tchaikovsky

Copy the movements first with arms, then give out scarves and copy the movements with scarves.

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Teach "I Like Playing in the Snow"

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Song Used: I Like Playing in the Snow

Teach the first verse of the song by rote. In rote teaching, children listen to a phrase, then echo. Ask the children to tell you which parts of the song use a singing voice (A section) and which use a speaking voice. (B section)

Sing and do the actions with "I Like Playing in the Snow"

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Song Used: I Like Playing in the Snow

Review song "I Like Playing in the Snow".

Can you create your own movements to go with the song?

Can you create new verses for this song?

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Teach "Make Some Toys"

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Song Used: Make Some Toys

Teach the song by rote.

Play instruments with "Make Some Toys"

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Song Used: Make Some Toys

Invite the children to suggest instruments to use to add accompaniment to the B spoken section. Discuss how the instruments make their sound and classify them as woods, metals, shakes/scrapes or drums.

Tap, tap, tap you could use rhythm sticks
Sand and paint you could use sandpaper blocks
Drum and rum you could use hand drums

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Sing "Skinnamarink"

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Song Used: Skinnamarink

Sing our closing song "Skinnamarink".

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