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Looking to use PreK Lesson 32 in your PreK classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Expression, Timbre of Unpitched Instruments

You'll also cover the themes of: Alphabet Songs, Animal Songs, Spring, Birds

PreK Lesson 32



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Sing the echoes for “Time for Music”
  2. Review different instruments using the “Mystery Box”
  3. Copy the movements for “Shake it!”
  4. Create your own movements to “Shake it!”
  5. Learn the poem “There was a Little Turtle”
  6. Learn the fingerplay movements for “There was a Little Turtle”
  7. Say the poem and do the fingerplay for “There was a Little Turtle”
  8. Read the “Nellie the Nannygoat” story
  9. Teach “Letter N”
  10. Teach “Nellie the Nannygoat”
  11. Sing “Nellie the Nannygoat” and copy the movements
  12. Optional: Practice printing the letter N
  13. Teach “Mom is the Sunshine”
  14. Learn some movements for the song “Mom is the Sunshine”
  15. Review “Five Green and Speckled Frogs”
  16. Teach “Five Little Ducks”
  17. Sing “Skinnamarink”


Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can sing and move to music
  • I can create movement
  • I can echo melody patterns

Sing the echoes for “Time for Music”

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Song Used: Time for Music

Create new ways to keep a beat and sing the new verses. Sing unaccompanied or accompany with a ukulele.

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Review different instruments using the “Mystery Box”

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Song Used: Mystery Box

Assess instrument identification informally through observation of mystery box. (triangle, sticks, finger cymbal, egg shakers, drum)

Copy the movements for “Shake it!”

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Song Used: Shake it!

Copy the teacher's movements

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Create your own movements to “Shake it!”

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Song Used: Shake it!

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Learn the poem “There was a Little Turtle”

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Song Used: There Was a Little Turtle

Listen to the poem "There was a Little Turtle".

Listen to it again and say some of the words.

Listen again and say the words quietly.

Listen again and say the words LOUDLY.

Learn the fingerplay movements for “There was a Little Turtle”

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Song Used: There Was a Little Turtle

Watch the fingerplay movements for "There was a Little Turtle".

Play the video again and this time, try doing the fingerplay.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Say the poem and do the fingerplay for “There was a Little Turtle”

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Song Used: There Was a Little Turtle

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Read the “Nellie the Nannygoat” story

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Song Used: N – Nannygoat

Watch Mrs. Herro to hear the story and learn the songs.

- or -

Download the PDF from supporting resources and read the story yourself to your students. Then teach the songs by rote yourself.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Teach “Letter N”

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Song Used: N – Nannygoat

Sing the "Letter N" song.

Teach “Nellie the Nannygoat”

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Song Used: N – Nannygoat

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Sing “Nellie the Nannygoat” and copy the movements

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Song Used: N – Nannygoat

Listen to the NannyGoat story and watch the actions for the song.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Optional: Practice printing the letter N

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Song Used: N – Nannygoat

Practice print N and draw pictures of N words.

If you have a printer, you can print the N worksheets.
Save paper, and practice printing N and drawing some things that start with the letter N.

Teach “Mom is the Sunshine”

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Song Used: Mom Is the Sunshine

Listen to the song "Mom is the Sunshine".

Play the video again and sing along.

Can you make up some movements to go with the song?

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Learn some movements for the song “Mom is the Sunshine”

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Song Used: Mom Is the Sunshine

Did you make up your own movement for the song "Mom is the Sunshine?"

If you need some ideas, watch the video.

Sing along with the kids.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Review “Five Green and Speckled Frogs”

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Song Used: Five Green and Speckled Frogs

Invite the kids to dramatize. Ask the students to tell you which song they prefer - Five Green and Speckled Frogs or Mm Ahh Went the Little Green Frog

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Teach “Five Little Ducks”

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Song Used: Five Little Ducks

Introduce the song with duck manipulatives. You can use picture cards, plastic ducks, or finger puppets. Ask the children to tell you how the song makes them feel.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Sing “Skinnamarink”

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Song Used: Skinnamarink

Sing our Goodbye Song "Skinnamarink".

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