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Looking to use Grade 1 Lesson 29 in your Grade 1 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Expression, Beat

You'll also cover the themes of: Environment, Animal Songs

Grade 1 Lesson 29



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Sing the echoes in “Welcome to Music”
  2. Echo body percussion
  3. Review “Bow Wow Wow”
  4. Review the game for “Bow Wow Wow”
  5. Sing and play the game “Bow Wow Wow”
  6. Option 1: Play “Bow Wow Wow” on Boomwhackers
  7. Option 2: Teach the Orff arrangement for “Bow Wow Wow”
  8. Teach “Let’s Save Water”
  9. Sing “Let’s Save Water”
  10. Review “Five Little Ducks”
  11. Optional: Illustrate a Little Book of “Five Little Ducks”
  12. Teach “Little Rabbit Foo Foo”
  13. Optional: Read “Little Rabbit Foo Foo” by Michael Rosen
  14. Optional: Illustrate a mini-book for “Little Rabbit Foo Foo”
  15. Review “Shake It”
  16. Copy the Movement for “Shake It!”
  17. Sing “The Music Time is Over”


Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can read rhythm and melody patterns.
  • I can listen and respond to music.

Sing the echoes in “Welcome to Music”

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Song Used: Welcome to Music

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Echo body percussion

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Practice Item Used: 3 q qr Q

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Review “Bow Wow Wow”

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Song Used: Bow Wow Wow

Have the students read the rhythms and show the form of this song. You will also be preparing students to learn do re mi. Teach the melody by rote and play the game.

Review the game for “Bow Wow Wow”

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Song Used: Bow Wow Wow

The game “Bow Wow Wow” is played in a single circle. Each student faces a partner. On the first measure, they point a finger at their partner. On the second measure, they point a finger with the other hand. On the third measure, join hands and change places with their partner. On the last measure, they each jump half a turn to face a new partner and the game repeats.

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Sing and play the game “Bow Wow Wow”

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Song Used: Bow Wow Wow

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Option 1: Play “Bow Wow Wow” on Boomwhackers

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Instrument Song Used: Bow Wow Wow

Option 2: Teach the Orff arrangement for “Bow Wow Wow”

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Teach “Let’s Save Water”

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Song Used: Let’s Save Water

Read the words for the song "Let's Save Water."
What is the song about?
Why should we save water?
Can you think of any other ways to save water?

Sing “Let’s Save Water”

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Song Used: Let’s Save Water

Sing the song "Let's Save Water."

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Review “Five Little Ducks”

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Song Used: Five Little Ducks

Review the song.

This song is good for helping your students practice singing expressively. Listen to the song while using the projectable slides. After each verse, stop and ask the students questions about the song. Have them make predictions about what might happen next. Since the song is so repetitive, you may not have to teach it by rote. If the students have listened carefully, they may be able to sing the song from just one listening.

If you have rubber ducks or duck finger puppets use them as manipulatives to illustrate the song. After each verse in the song, one duck disappears until there are no ducks left. In the last verse, all the ducks come back. A printable set of manipulatives is included in the printables for this song. Use a set to illustrate for the students. If you can print a class set, each child could have their own manipulates and can sequence the song

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Optional: Illustrate a Little Book of “Five Little Ducks”

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Song Used: Five Little Ducks

Optional: Have the students illustrate the little book of the song.
This is a text-only version (students illustrate all pages). The fully illustrated version is in the supplemental resources.

There is also a Class Big Book template for students to illustrate. In this option, each student would illustrate one page.
These options are great activities for a sub!

Teach “Little Rabbit Foo Foo”

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Song Used: Little Rabbit Foo Foo

“Little Rabbit Foo Foo” is good for encouraging students to use a variety of expressions and for going from high to low. When you say, “Down came the good fairy,” show high/low with your hands and voice. Teach the actions and sing the song with actions.

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Optional: Read “Little Rabbit Foo Foo” by Michael Rosen

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Song Used: Little Rabbit Foo Foo

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Optional: Illustrate a mini-book for “Little Rabbit Foo Foo”

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Song Used: Little Rabbit Foo Foo

Optional: Have the students illustrate the little book of the song.
This is a text-only version (students illustrate all pages). The fully illustrated version is in the supplemental resources.

Review "Shake It!"

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Song Used: Shake it!

Sing and move to "Shake It!"

A kids demo follows, if you need movement ideas.

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Copy the Movement for “Shake It!”

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Song Used: Shake it!

This demo video is to give you movement ideas for "Shake it!"

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Sing “The Music Time is Over”

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Song Used: The Music Time is Over

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