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Looking to use Grade 3 Lesson 18 in your Grade 3 classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Beat, Melodic Direction (high-middle-low)

You'll also cover the themes of: Eras in Music, Composers, Asia, Our Musical World, 1800s, Romantic

Grade 3 Lesson 18



In this lesson you will:

  1. Echo sing do-re-mi-so-la in C Major
  2. Review “Tideo”
  3. Do the actions while singing “Tideo”
  4. Option 1: Complete the Solfa Challenge for “Tideo”
  5. Option 2: Complete the Note Name Challenge for “Tideo”
  6. Teach “Yummy Yum Yum”
  7. Teach “New Shoes”
  8. Play the “New Shoes” game
  9. Complete a rhythm sort for “New Shoes”
  10. Teach “Sakura”
  11. Learn about the song “Sakura”
  12. Optional: Make a Paper Fan to Create Movement to “Sakura”
  13. Listen to “Sakura” and Create Movements with Your Fan
  14. Learn About the Shamisen
  15. Watch a Video About the Shamisen
  16. Play the copycat game while listening to “Moonlight Sonata”
  17. Watch a segment of “Beethoven Lives Upstairs”
  18. Discuss the movie


Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can sing a response in a call-response song.
  • I can describe the shamisen.

Echo sing do-re-mi-so-la in C Major

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Practice Item Used: do re mi so la (drm sl)

Echo sing do-re-mi-so-la in C

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Review “Tideo”

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Song Used: Tideo

“Tideo” is a reading song for Grade 3. Teach the melody by rote, or sing the song in solfa if you’re teaching solfa.

Do the actions while singing “Tideo”

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Song Used: Tideo

Two lines of partners face each other. There should be no more than six people in each line. (It is ideal to play this game with two sets.) The head couple does a step-close down the alley (Step-close, step-close, step-close, step-close). On, “Jinglin’, jinglin’, jinglin’ Joe,” partners join hands and jump with heel out. Jump with left foot out, right, left, right. On the words, “Jingle at the window,” all students in the lines pat the rhythm of the words RL RL RL. On the syllables “ti-de” clap your own hands twice. On the syllable “o” clap both of your partner’s hands. On “Jinglin’, jinglin’, jinglin’ Joe,” partners join hands and jump with heel out. Jump with left foot out, right, left, right. On the words “Jingle at the
window,” all students in the lines pat the rhythm of the words RL RL RL. On the syllables “Ti-de” clap your own hands twice. On the syllable “o” clap both of your partner’s hands.

Another Way to Play: Students form a circle with arms raised as windows. One student goes in and out of the windows. On “jingle at the window,” they stop in front of a student and performs the actions with the student. Then both students go through the windows.

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Option 1: Complete the Solfa Challenge for "Tideo"

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Song Used: Tideo

Option 1: Complete the Note Name Challenge for "Tideo"

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Song Used: Tideo

Teach “Yummy Yum Yum”

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Song Used: Yummy Yum Yum

In this song you can sing the responses.

The only words you need to remember are "meatballs and spaghetti."

Can you think of new verses for this song?

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Teach "New Shoes"

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Song Used: New Shoes

"New Shoes” gives the students practice reading ta and ti-ti.

Play the "New Shoes" game

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Song Used: New Shoes

All the students in the class sit in a circle and close their eyes. As they sing the song, give out three different kinds of shoes or pictures of shoes. The students who were given the shoes sing alone, telling the class which shoe they have. All the students open their eyes, and guess who has which shoe. The students with the shoes will choose the next student to receive it. Tell them to try to find a student who hasn’t had a turn.

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Complete a rhythm sort for “New Shoes”

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Teach “Sakura”

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Song Used: Sakura

This song can be used to reinforce whole notes and half notes.

Learn about the song “Sakura”

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Song Used: Sakura

Optional: Make a Paper Fan to Create Movement to "Sakura"

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piece of paper or construction paper
crayons, markers or pencil crayons
stapler or tape

1. Decorate your piece of paper with cherry trees or cherry blossoms. (optional)
2. Fold a one inch crease at one end of your paper, and follow that by another one inch crease in the opposite direction. Repeat until the entire paper is folded.
3. Take one end of the folded paper and pinch it together. This will leave the other end open. Just fan out this end.
4. Staple or tape the pinched end together.

Listen to “Sakura” and Create Movements with Your Fan

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Song Used: Sakura

While you listen to "Sakura," create movements with your fan.

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Learn About the Shamisen

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Read the slides to learn about the shamisen.

Watch a Video About the Shamisen

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Watch the shamisen video. The video is 9 minutes long and starts with an excerpt from puppet theatre.

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Play the copycat game while listening to "Moonlight Sonata"

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Listening Selection Used: Adagio sostenuto from Piano Sonata No. 14 in C-sharp Minor, Moonlight Sonata

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Watch a segment of "Beethoven Lives Upstairs"

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Unit Used: Beethoven Lives Upstairs

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Discuss the movie

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