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Looking to use Middle School Lesson 3 in your Middle School classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Time Signature, Melodic Direction (high-middle-low), Beat

You'll also cover the themes of: Central America, Our Musical World, Transportation

Middle School Lesson 3



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Play poison rhythm
  2. Review “Mango Walk”
  3. Sort the rhythms for “Mango Walk”
  4. Option 1: Complete a solfa challenge for “Mango Walk”
  5. Option 2: Complete a note name challenge for “Mango Walk”
  6. Learn about first and second ending
  7. Watch the jump grid kids demo for “Sky Full of Stars”
  8. Do the jump grid to “Sky Full of Stars”
  9. Teach “Why Shouldn’t My Car”
  10. Review time signatures
  11. Optional: Play “Why Shouldn’t My Car” on the Ukulele or Guitar
  12. Play Rhythm Racing


Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can read notes and rhythms in a song.
  • I can explain 1st and 2nd endings in a song.
  • I can recognize and name notes in solfege.

Play poison rhythm

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Practice Item Used: 15 q qr Q h eq e

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Review “Mango Walk”

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Sort the rhythms for “Mango Walk”

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Option 1: Complete a solfa challenge for “Mango Walk”

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Option 2: Complete a note name challenge for “Mango Walk”

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Learn about first and second endings

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Watch the jump grid kids demo for “Sky Full of Stars”

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Song Used: Sky Full of Stars – Performed by Coldplay

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Do the jump grid to “Sky Full of Stars”

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Teach “Why Shouldn’t My Car”

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Song Used: Why Shouldn’t My Car

Have students read the rhythms in the song using the rhythm names ta, titi, too-oo. Teach the round by rote. When the song is known well, try it as a two part round (when the first group begins the second line, the second group begins). When the two part round is secure, try it as a three part and finally a four part round. Don’t be discouraged if your class is only successful in two parts!

Review time signatures

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Optional: Play “Why Shouldn’t My Car” on the Ukulele or Guitar

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Play Rhythm Racing

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