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Looking to use Kindergarten Lesson 32 in your Kindergarten classroom?

While teaching this learning module you will cover multiple concepts including: Tempo, Melodic Direction (high-middle-low)

You'll also cover the themes of: Animal Songs, Relationships, Safety Songs, Frogs

Kindergarten Lesson 32



In this lesson, you will:

  1. Sing the “Hello Song”
  2. Warm up with body percussion
  3. Echo melody patterns with Bobo
  4. Teach “On a Log”
  5. Learn the game “On a Log”
  6. Sing and play the game “On a Log”
  7. Teach the poem “Splish Splash”
  8. Watch the story “Mr. Frog”
  9. Teach “Moms are Special”
  10. Sing “Moms are Special”
  11. Option 1: Make a card for Mother’s Day
  12. Option 2: Make a Class Big Book of song “Moms are Special”
  13. Option 3: Have each student illustrate a little storybook to take home
  14. Move to “The Great Gate of Kyiv” with paper plates
  15. Move to “Symphony No. 4” with paper plates
  16. Review “Wear a Helmet”
  17. Sing and move to “Skinnamarink”


Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.


  • I can sing and move to music.
  • I can move and respond to music.
  • I can create sound effects to accompany a poem or story.

Sing the "Hello Song"

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Song Used: Hello Song

Sing the echoes in the "Hello Song".

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Warm up with body percussion

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Listening Selection Used: Rondeau from a Baroque Dance Suite

Copy the body percussion.

There is a snap in the activity. If students can't snap their fingers, tell them to "rub them together".

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Echo melody patterns with Bobo

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Practice Item Used: Bobo

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Teach “On a Log”

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Song Used: On a Log

Teach the song by rote.

This song has a simple rhythm. It would be a good song for having students clap or play the rhythm of the words on instruments. You might consider choosing two kinds of instruments - one for the quick notes and one for the longer notes. Have woodblocks or rhythm sticks play all the ti-ti and have hand drums play all the tas.

High-low: Find 2 stuffed frogs - one large and one small. Pass a frog to the beat as you sing. When you pass the large frog, sing in a low voice. When you pass the small frog, sing in a high voice. The extreme ranges can help some students find their head voice.

Same/Different: The last four notes of the song are on the same pitch. Play the first measure for the children and ask if the notes are the same or different. (different) Play other measures. Play the Same/Different Game on Musicplayonline. It is in the Solfa Practice section in Prepare Solfa.

Learn the game “On a Log”

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Song Used: On a Log

Have a frog race. Line up as many “frogs” as you can comfortably fit on one side of your classroom. (Those that don’t fit in the line, watch and sing and get their turn after.) Sing the first four measures. On the four “glumps,” the frogs take 4 jumps. Whichever frog gets the furthest in four jumps wins the frog race. Repeat until everyone in the class has had a turn to be a frog.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Sing and play the game “On a Log”

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Song Used: On a Log

Sing song "On a Log".

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Teach the poem “Splish Splash”

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Learn a sound poem.

Read the poem to your students.

Could you make/play a shaker to make the splash sound?

Say the poem and play your shaker while you say it.

When you read the story that follows, add your shaker to the poem in the story.

Watch the story “Mr. Frog”

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Song Used: On a Log

Watch the story "On a Log".

When you hear the song in the story, sing along.

Say and play along with the sound poem.

Add other sound effects as your hear them.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Teach “Moms are Special”

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Song Used: Moms Are Special

Listen to the song. Ask the students how the song makes them feel. Does their mom do some of the things that are in the song? How do they feel if their mom tucks them in at night? Tell them that sometimes songs are a good way to tell
someone how you feel. Teach them the song by rote. Invite the students to help you create new verses for the song.

If you are using this song in performance you could divide the class into three groups and have each group sing one verse alone. The first and last verse would be sung by the entire class. Verse two, three and four would be sung by groups with costumes and props as suggested above.

If you do a Mother’s Day performance have the students reflect on their performance. Ask them to tell you:
• Did they try their best?
• Did they enjoy performing?
• What was their favorite part of the performance?

Discuss why we use songs for special days. Songs help us to communicate how we feel about a person or an event.

Sing “Moms are Special”

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Song Used: Moms Are Special

Sing song "Moms are Special".

Can you make up actions for each verse?

Play the video again, and try your actions.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Option 1: Make a card for Mother’s Day

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Song Used: Moms Are Special

Make a card for Mother's Day.

If you have a printer, download the printable card with the words to the song.

Save Paper! If you don't have a printer or don't want to print the card, make your own Mother's Day card.

Option 2: Make a Class Big Book of song “Moms are Special”

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Song Used: Moms Are Special

To Make a Big Class Book

1. Print the file from supporting resources.

2. Give each student in the class one page to illustrate. If you have more than 18 students, make two books of the same song. If you have an uneven number of students for making two books, have some of the students who finish more quickly illustrate two pages.

3. Bind the books. An easy way to bind class books is to use a comb binding machine.

4. Read and sing the books with the class. Put the book in your class library so that students can read (or sing!) the book during free time.

If you are going to perform a song, enhance your performance by scanning student illustrations, inserting them into a powerpoint and projecting the illustrations as students sing.

Option 3: Have each student illustrate a little storybook to take home

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Song Used: Moms Are Special

The little book template has all the song lyrics typed out.

Each student will illustrate the entire book, then take it home.

If you have taught the song, students may be able to follow the lyrics in their little book.

Move to “The Great Gate of Kyiv” with paper plates

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Song Used: The Great Gate of Kyiv, Mussorgsky

Move to the music "The Great Gate of Kyiv" with paper plates.

Can you find two paper plates?

If you don't have paper plates, cut two circles out of paper.

Copy the movements that you see in the video.

Is the music slow or fast?

It's slow!

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Move to “Symphony No. 4” with paper plates

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Song Used: Symphony No. 4, Mendelssohn

Move to the music "Symphony No. 4" with paper plates.

Can you find two paper plates?

If you don't have paper plates, cut two circles out of paper.

Copy the movements that you see in the video.

Is the music slow or fast?

It's fast!

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Review “Wear a Helmet”

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Song Used: Wear a Helmet

Review the song as time permits.

Video not working? Try a different video source.

Sing and move to “Skinnamarink”

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Song Used: Skinnamarink

Video not working? Try a different video source.
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