Grade 2 Lesson 34
StartTimbre of Unpitched Instruments, BeatThemes(s):
Frogs, Classical, 1700s, Eras in Music, Asia, Our Musical World, Relationships, Composers, Animal Songs
Extra Details:
Tone Set
Curriculum Links
Learning Module Category
In this lesson, you will:
- Sing the “Hello Song”
- Warm up with “Oh, My Aunt Came Back”
- Read about the “Japanese Frog Song”
- Teach “Japanese Frog Song”
- Play along with “Contradance I”
- Do movement to “Contradance I” with Plates or with Hands
- Learn about Mozart
- Teach “Frog in the Middle”
- Learn the game for “Frog in the Middle”
- Play the game and sing “Frog in the Middle”
- Echo sing do-re-mi so in C
- Print or Draw Animal Cards!
- Teach “Bought Me a Cat” and Sequence Your Cards as You Sing
- Choose Instruments to Play the Animal Sounds
- Sing and play with “Bought Me a Cat”
- Option 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “Bought Me a Cat”
- Option 2: Complete the note name challenge for “Bought Me a Cat”
- Optional: Illustrate a Reproducible Story Book
- Sing “The Music Time is Over”
Musicplay is a menu. The teacher is not expected to teach every song or activity. Choose the songs and activities from the list that will best fit your schedule and the needs of your students.
- I can sing and move to music.
- I can read and perform rhythms and melodies (do-re-mi so).
Teaching Procedures
Sing the "Hello Song"
Copy LinkSing the echoes.
During the spaces in the song, sing the students' names.
Warm up with “Oh, My Aunt Came Back”
Copy LinkSing and do the movements.
Read about the "Japanese Frog Song"
Copy LinkWhere did the aunt go in the song? "My Aunt Came Back"? One of the places was Japan, so we're going to learn a song from Japan!
Teach "Japanese Frog Song"
Copy LinkTell the students that they are going to learn some songs about frogs. Find Japan on a map of the world. Tell the students they are going to learn a song about frogs from Japan.
The song means, "I can hear the song of the frog." The “gwa” is the sound that the frog makes. Some music stores sell an instrument that makes the sound of the frog. You could add this effect on the words. Learn the Japanese words by playing short sections of the song, then repeating the words. This song is not too difficult for Grade 2 students to sing in
When the song is well known, try it as a two part round.
Optional: If you have a frog guiro, play the sounds the frog makes on the instruments. Substitute a regular guiro or scrape rhythm sticks if needed.
Play Along with "Contradance I"
Copy LinkChoose instruments to play along.
Do movement to “Contradance I” with Plates or with Hands
Copy LinkGive out two paper plates to each student or give each student two scarves.
If you don’t have paper plates or scarves, just use your hands!
Try doing the movement for "Contradance I" along with the video.
Learn about Mozart
Copy LinkTeach "Frog in the Middle"
Copy LinkHave the students read the rhythms for this song. Teach the melody of the song by rote and play the game.
Learn the game for “Frog in the Middle”
Copy LinkStudents form a circle. Choose one student to be the frog in the middle. The “frog” stands with eyes shut and arms outstretched. While students sing the song, the “frog” turns. At the end of the song, the two students closest to the frog’s hands step out of the circle and race in the same direction. The first one back to tag one of the frog’s hands wins. This variant of the game would work for distanced or no-touch classrooms as is.
Play the game and sing “Frog in the Middle”
Copy LinkEcho Sing do-re-mi so in C
Copy LinkEcho the solfa patterns.
Print or Draw Animal Cards!
Copy LinkPrint the animal cards from Supporting Resources.
Save paper and ink and draw your own!
Teach “Bought Me a Cat” and Sequence Your Cards as You Sing
Copy LinkTeach "Bought Me A Cat" and put your cards in order as you sing the song.
Choose Instruments to Play the Animal Sounds
Copy LinkSing and play with “Bought Me a Cat”
Copy LinkSing and play your instrument with the song.
Option 1: Complete the solfa challenge for “Bought Me a Cat”
Copy LinkOption 2: Complete the note name challenge for “Bought Me a Cat”
Copy LinkOptional: Illustrate a Reproducible Story Book
Copy LinkIllustrate a story book of the song. Then, you can take it home and sing the song at home!